Hi all, When I started building my 3D printer (a Prusa i3 mk2 clone at the time), I bought a cheap heatbed on amazon, here. I haven't had any issues with it so far, but I have started to consider upgrading my setup from 12V to 24V. However, I am unsure if this heatbed is compatible. The amazon seller info says so, but I also found other sellers listing an identical bed as 12V only (e.g. here).by bathal - Reprappers
Thanks for pointing that out. This should not influence the detection distance when homing though right? If I understand correctly, this define is used to position the nozzle properly when printing.by bathal - Reprappers
Thanks for your answers. M119 shows what it is supposed to. The problem is not that the probe doesn't detect the bed, but that it detects it at a distance so short that it is impossible to adjust the probe's height properly. Before I started this thread, the detection distance was greater, and the printer was functioning perfectly fine, with the offset between probe and nozzle correctly calibratby bathal - Reprappers
Ok so I got a replacement probe from the store I bought the former one from, plus I bought a 5V one on amazon. I get the same problem as before with both sensors, so obviously this is not the sensors fault. Loosing my mind here...by bathal - Reprappers
Ok this is even weirder than I thought. The probe seems to fail to detect the heatbed at a ~2mm distance, but detects other objects such as a screwdriver or a metal ruler just fine. I had the Z axis home over a metal ruler, and it homed as expected, stopping at a ~2mm distance over the ruler. But when I remove the ruler, it needs to get much much closer to be triggered, almost touching the bed.by bathal - Reprappers
Hi, I am using this (6-36V NPN) inductive sensor, with this voltage adapter. The sensor is supposed to have a 2mm detection range, which it seemed to have until recently. I have a 3mm aluminium heatbed.by bathal - Reprappers
Hi everyone, I am still trying to get my Prusa i3 clone to work reliably. I have calibrated the z-axis endstop, which is an inductive sensor, and everything worked fine until today, where I noticed the printhead crashing into the heatbed when I sent a G29, which did not happen before. So I tried to move the sensor a bit further down, but I can't seem to get it to trigger correctly, unless it is bby bathal - Reprappers
My PSU is supposed to withstand 156W on the 12V output, so theoretically speaking, that should be good enough, shouldn't it?by bathal - Reprappers
Is there a way for me to check if the heatbed is not at fault?by bathal - Reprappers
Hi! Thanks for your reply. If this is a power issue, then wouldn't it have failed right away, instead of working for a few weeks, then fail?by bathal - Reprappers
Hi everyone, I built a Prusa i3 mk2 clone, and I got it to print some stuff last week, it even printed a full Benchy. These last couple of days, prints started to fail more and more quickly, up to a point where the print would stop immediately after launching it, shutting the PWU off. I realized that the cause of this failure was the heating up of the heatbed. Indeed, the PSU shuts down directlyby bathal - Reprappers
Thanks for your answer, unfortunately, I can't do that, since the repeatability is very bad when it's hot, It will never give me the same height reading twice... Homing before heating up and not homing after avoids relying on the probe when it is inaccurate, however I have to wait for everything to cool down between attempts to print anythingby bathal - Reprappers
Hello, I have built a prusa i3 mk2 clone from scratch, following Thomas Sanladerer series. and am experiencing trouble with the bed leveling (inductive) probe. It seems to be highly sensitive to heat, since running a repeatability test on the probe with the nozzle and the bed being hot results in a standard deviation much higher than the test with those parts being at room temperature (0.09mm vsby bathal - Reprappers