my god it's full of... holes! you can actually see the doorframe through it. dang. ok so components, really quite basic. i'm going to try first to run this on an ATMEGA2560, not the Due - i'll see how Marlin fares with it. i'll have to cut the 5V track which is accidentally connected to 3V3 up in the top-right near the I2C lines (whoops...), maybe skip the buffer IC on the first one (use jby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteJustSumGuy @IKCL Do you have one of these RD3D v1.0 controllers up and running? or know of anyone that has done one? my friend who runs a factory north of shenzhen just managed to get me the components and the first-revision (pre-1.0) bare PCBs out before the big holiday in china: that's what the messages from shunfeng express are about the actual design's only about... 10 days old (begby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
2017-10-04 Wednesday 05:21:21 Shipment loaded at 【Taiwan Taoyuan Distribution Centre】, send to 【Taiwan New Taipei Xindian Marshal Industrial Park Distribution Center】 01:43:15 Shipment arrive at 【Taiwan Taoyuan Distribution Centre】 components and PCB will either be going through customs (and be delayed) or it *might* be on its way to me today, and be here some time in the afteby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quotedc42 When you are ready to go 32-bit, you may wish to consider the Duet WiFi or Duet Ethernet. They both have built-in TMC2660 drivers - the big brother of the TMC2130, with higher current capacity. Being built in, they are also cooled better than plug-in drivers, which don't have enough PCB area to provide good cooling. jsg, dc42 does things properly. no risk of mechanical fan failure desby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteJustSumGuy If the stepper was in a disabled state before the switch this should be just fine...... mmmm....yyeahhh... firmware screw-up and it's toast Quotethat mux looks about the same size as a step stick.... this would still save the area of an entire stepstick and you could mux four outputs... I only brought this up because I read a post on how little area there was on the PCB oby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteDust "So would it be possible to use one driver and in some way switch it from motor to motor?" This is what the prusa original mk2 and mk3 multi material does.... One driver circuit, 4 stepper motors and their custom pcb See for a little more detail.. mechanical relays?? *thinks*.... yyeahh... actually that would pass through the current (and voltage) unmodified. ingenious lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteJustSumGuy Ok, I am hesitant to post this but WTH... I have a thought here and its been in my head for a while... seems its a bit along the lines of the design aspects on this thread but as you guys here are WAY WAY past me on design I decided to throw this out there and see it get shot down in flames.... at least if it gets shot down I can get this thought out of my head The six driverby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
btw in case anyone's interested in what i've been doing for the past.. 5? 4? days, i kind take objection to chinese clones of the ATMega being only $5 but the Due is 3 times that @ $15 to $16. i mean.. what the hell?? what is wrong with Atmel - and the component selection on the Due - that it can't be had for $7? so with a bit of help from the stm32duino community i create the stl47o - pronouby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteobelisk79 Any updates on your initial prototypes? bits made it into an SF-Express Depot... on saturday. 31st september. day before the holiday. the courier tracking service saaaays... it's been transferred to the shenzhen distribution centre. where there will be presumably people still working, during this big chinese holiday, just veery slowly. once it makes it out of chby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteobelisk79 bwahaha! somehow i get the feeling we're not taking this whole thing seriously. i might be mistaken... but isn't this supposed to be... y'know... grumpy people online, shouting at each other not getting anything done, or... something! anyway. components are on their way for the first revision... hopefully they will have gotten out of China right before the national holiday whicby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteo_lampe What can I say other than "good booooy" i feel like i'm some sort of horse that is galloping madly and wants to throw its lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
okaaay so i did it. whew. managed to complete the routing, without it being too much of a dog's dinner. power is very clean... including to most of the steppers. GND to E0 (the lower middle) stepper, is... well, it's connected to the top left pin (near VCC) but the way that GND *gets* to that pin is very fragmented, and there's not a lot i can do about it. GND comes in from all directions, pby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteo_lampe All that SPI-hassle for an underrated TMC2130? We have tested the TMC2100 and it seemed most people weren't satified with it's performance. The 2130 is the same core, but with SPI? I'd keep the design simple and compatible for Pololu drivers and maybe later add another sub-PCB that fits bigger SPI drivers like the ones on the newer Duet boards. ok let's work through it, because whaby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteobelisk79 I have TMC2208's I think SPI would be a nice feature. But standard jumpers would still be functional. Performance information regarding the 2208 is a bit sparse but what I've seen so far looks rather positive. Ikcl, your jumper configuration sounds slightly confusing. yehyeh, it's down to supporting two possible configurations. take a look at this: on the left is standard poluluby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
ok i need a bit of help reviewing this, the idea is: * support standard driver stepper modules (3 jumpers) * also support connecting SPI to the correct pins (including a dedicated CS - chip select - line) so that TMC2130 and other SPI-based modules can be used. it's slightly complicated by the fact that "normal" stepper operation (A4988, TMC2100) have a pull-down resistor on MS1. so. to suppoby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteobelisk79 Enjoying watching your progress! Unfortunately as a technician for military electronic systems, PCB design is well outside of my comfort zone but clean and effective design is something I can certainly appreciate. thanks obelisk79. making a PCB design "look beautiful" is apparently as good a way as any to get reduced EMI eagle however is so... lacking in professional CAD featurby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
oooo this is so frustrating! i did what i considered to be a perfect 2nd layout, ready to go for some factory quotes... and started doing a RepRapFirmware port..... only to realise that the SPI port on RADDS is an extra connector that's NOT pulled up from the Arduino 2560 PCB / RAMPS combination (because they use the *other* Alt-pins SPI interface on RAMPS...). and that would mean doing some moby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
ok by removing the PCB holes (they were really getting in the way) i managed to jam in another SN74HC125 for level-shifting the SPI signals to the MicroSD card. this will be faster than resistors (and more reliable) but it's still SPI... and that's okay. also in the left part of the picture, an ADC z-probe thing. no 4.7k resistor on that. dc42 i really like the mini IR z-probe thing, mightby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteo_lampe Quotewhen does this end!! I could engrave your tombstone with that question ,if you like only if you can also get metallica to turn it into a heavy-metal rock ballad, "MY Coffin Liiiiid *thrashing guitar riff* is a PEE CEE BEEEE *thrashing guitar riff*", which they have to play every year in the graveyard Quote But seriously, professional project managers start with a tasklist aby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteobelisk79 You're an animal... once you've stabilized the design some, and you meet your cost goals, let me know how to buy one I like low cost experimental ideas. haha sure. you're welcome to one of the first batch of 10 if they work. the speed is because i'm a bit under pressure as i'm supposed to be doing other things.. sort-of, but also there's Shenzhen Maker Faire coming up on the 10by lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteDust "when does this end!! " About 60 days after you have been declared legally dead. Then someone else will take over welcome to the reprap community. we'll be burying you tomorrow Quote If your after ideas... (Evil cackle) You should convert the aux4 and SPI to the standard 2 * 5x2 pin headers for lcd, eliminating the lcd daughter board. Just use pins no shell.. as some lcds needby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
dang i just can't seem to leave this alone. dc42 i spotted you have that mini z-probe thing on your .sig, so i went, "hmmm..." and of course ended up adding a fourth ADC this time with a VCC pin, so people could create a header which supplies power to the IR z-probe. i put UART back because there's room now. added a 2x6 header because... there's room for that. put in a power-selector header sby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteo_lampe Now you spent a few nights designing a 2 layer board, just to find out soon a 4 layer board would've only cost a few bucks more I hope NOT, please tell me you asked about the prices before? ha no, surprisingly, 4-layer boards are quite a jump, but also they take longer to get prototypes done. a 2-layer board (if you're prepared tto pay a bit more) can actually be done in 24-4by lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quotedc42 Welcome to the real world of 3D printer controller design! haha... mwahahahah. very funny, daveby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
*splutter* oh my god, get a load of this! it's an overlay of the gerbers of the stencil, footprints and drill-holes.... and this is only a 4in x 2.7in PCB, there's hardly a space on it that isn't drilled to the eyeballs! where.. where's the space to put the tracks??by lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
ow. i really must stop doing this kind of work overnight! okaay so here's the reorganised steppers, the top 3 have been rotated through 90 degrees, and it actually makes for a far, far cleaner board layout. one of the reasons why the original board has reduced GND connectivity is because of the huge numbers of tracks criss-crossing the board: even with the rule of having top tracks go left-rigby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
ok so some progress (next revision modifications), aside from anything i spotted an error in the PCB that's been sent off yesterday, Arduino 5V was still wired in, up in the top right corner on the 2x18 connector, and i didn't realise it was. so it was converted to... 3.3v. which means 3.3v is hard-wired to 5.0v. whoops. fortunately i can cut those tracks. anyway, i realised that there's actby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteDust The standard lcd connector ties up all pins on aux-4 but I suspect not all 16 IO pin are in use.. you may be able to break out a few a quick google later so yea 5 wasted IO lines when used on standard 20x4 and 128x64 lcds, any others to worry about? viki perhaps, no idea what it needs Needs to be confirmed... i quite like SPI-based LCDs (HX8357D before it went EOL, but there arby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteo_lampe You wanted 6 stepper ports for 3 z-steppers. Don't they need an endstop each ( for bed leveling)? ah no, surprisingly not. what you do is, you put an endstop on the extruder carriage... more specifically on the hotend. which i'd completely forgotten about so thank you to Dust for helping to spot that mistake... Quote Also CoreXYU seems to require 4 endstops. ... an.. iinterestinby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteDust Just been reading your post to the wiki. "Removed MAX Endstops" and "Removed all AUX except I2C, AUX4 (for LCD) and AUX3 (for SPI-Ethernet) " this could be an issue for anyone wanting delta machines, that have a endstop per axis stepper and a probe/endstop This would normally be on all the MAX endstops with the probe on Z-min (the problem is they need 4 inputs, doesn't really matteby lkcl - RAMPS Electronics