the problem is that the standard java support serial library only recognises a specific set of prefixes for serial devices - the default one currently being distributed with reprap host doesn't include some common ones like the one used by the arduino commonly used by RAMPs - if you do do as you suggest you'll need to add them to the table in the library and recompile it (easy to do, harder to knby Taniwha - Controllers
doesn't work if like me you also have 2 mendels, the other on ttyUSB0 Taniwha - Controllers
608 bearings - at any local skate shop in any town We've started a viral plastic effort which hopefully should grow exponentially - we'll let people know when more slots are availableby Taniwha - New Zealand RepRap User Group
I've built both now - I don't think that the part quality has anything to do with Prusa vs. Trad. Mendel - I think it probably has more to do with how many hours you've spent tuning your printer (mine look more like the upper picture whether I'm printing a Trad or a Prusa) - at some point you have to stop printing cubes and start making stuff The big difference though is the printing time (bothby Taniwha - New Zealand RepRap User Group
well my set of 3 is now committed - once these guys are done building there will be 6 more sets of plastic available under the viral license .... (for those who want to keep track here's how our little pyramid scheme works and why the numbers 3 and 6 show up): * dspace mendel1 * dspace mendel2 * currently building1 * nextgen1 * nextgen2 * currently building2 * nextgen3 * nextgen4 * currentlyby Taniwha - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Here at Dunedin Makerspace we're running a 2:1 viral license for plastic - one machine has made a second that's almost - that leaves 3 more spaces in the current queue - 2 of which are already spoken for - so one space in the queue is still available - we're building Prusa Mendels out of PLA The basic idea is that we'll GIVE you a set, we pay for the plastic - you have to promise that you'll maby Taniwha - New Zealand RepRap User Group
We have a Mendel in the Dunedin Makerspace ( and are close to finishing a second - they're under a viral plastic license - you get free plastic provided you are willing to commit to printing 2 more sets for free if askedby Taniwha - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Just to make it clear the problem is in the particular RXTXcomm.jar that's distributed with reprap host - Because it comes with it (or rather it lives in the same directory) it tends to override anything you might have installed, or might install to fix the problem - in particular it's why some people can talk to RAMPS with the arduino environment but not with reprap Taniwha - Controllers
I chased this problem down - it's in the RXTXcomm.jar file distributed with reprap host, it has a list of valid ttys, ttyACMx is not in that list by default First of all there are 3 librxtx files there: RXTXcomm.jar if you replace one you need to replace THEM ALL - if you link the .so files to a new downloaded set you need to link the .jar file toby Taniwha - Controllers