Hey guys, I've been absent from this conversation for a day or two now. I got quite frustrated when a glitch/bug in Phorum caused me to lose a very lengthy edit to that above post. Rather than redo it all, I'm creating a website that I'll give only a few people the links to, since it's running on my home internet connection (I can't have the whole public connecting to my poor DSL line at the sameby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Actually, as long as I don't switch out of the window, I can take all the measurements fine. I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.8 with eDrawings 2010 sp02 ( -Hypoonby Hypoon - General Mendel Topics
I don't know much about edrawings, but it seems like a pretty cool program. It's quite possible that the problem exists between my ears, but I spent plenty of time and googling on it. Not to be picky, but .png's or .svg's would be perfect for the wiki (no extra software required), if that's the kind of 2d you were talking about. 1:1 scale is very nice, as long as you have your printer set up coby Hypoon - General Mendel Topics
Almost perfect, almost exactly what I need. I don't fully understand this statement, but it prevents me from using the (in this case) most useful part of this program. Quotehttp://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/Release_Notes_eDrawings/2010/English/readme.htm eDrawings Measure. Measure is disabled for non-draft quality broken views. Do you know how to get around this? The menu item is thereby Hypoon - General Mendel Topics
I'm stuck a between unfold's point of view and SebastienBailard's. I understand and agree with SebastienBaliard in that having most RepRap related stuff hosted on RepRap.org is very beneficial because information only needs to be in one place. unfold, I feel that many users would benefit from having a place to host their ideas. The difference between this and arduino.cc is that Arduino's are notby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Ok. Not to talk cross-threads or be repetitive, but I would say there is a need for a branched release system. For example, a stable branch and a development branch. The stable branch is locked down, nobody can do anything but basically proofread and maybe clarify the pages. It has complete, specific, and accurate materials lists, with detailed step-by-step assembly instructions. Purchasing locaby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I think ideally, a unified website like SebastienBailard is working towards is the way to go. From a practical standpoint though, Thingiverse is pretty well done. RepRap parts should be hosted and documented locally on the RepRap site of course, but for random models and things, my perspective is that Thingiverse has it covered. I see that Thingiverse is being run by MakerBot. How friendly are tby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Could you please let us know what you move where? I'm losing the threads I'm trying to keep track of, hehe.by Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
So at least I was somewhere in the right ballpark there with Drupal. I now understand better what you're trying to do, and what you're looking for. I'm going to play around with Drupal a bit and see what it's capable of, since I remember hearing good things. I'm pretty sure that MediaWiki can be integrated with Drupal, and I know that Phorum can. I'll look into just how difficult these integratioby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Triffid_Hunter, having RepRap ready's not all that far off. I do plan on organizing all the info after I complete my own RepRap (soon). Everything's here, it's just spread out all over the place. The problem with desktop linux was that not everything was there yet (good wifi support, getting away from CLI necessity, etc...). Stephen george: my thoughts exactly.by Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Curlrup, I understand what you're saying, but if RepRap is to flourish, it should be a "buy the stuff, follow the instructions, start printing" process. There won't be a reprap in every home if nobody can build them. I really like the idea of a stable/development setup. It seems like the normal Mendel is ready enough to be considered "stable", but most of the variations (wood Mendel, metal Mendeby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Forgive me if this is a blatantly stupid comment, but perhaps drupal would be of interest? I've heard very good things, but I've never used it personally. Quotehttp://drupal.org/about Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Tens of thousands of people and organizations areby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
They look beautiful, SebastienBailard, thanks a lot. That seems like precisely what I was looking for. Grogyan, I'll look into that more if the diagrams in the zip are not sufficient. I was trying similar things, but it just seemed like there had to be a better way to do it. Edit: I just noticed that this is in the "Library Administration and Announcements" section. Did I start it here by mistakby Hypoon - General Mendel Topics
Ok, knowing that we're not alone certainly makes me feel better. I suppose we'll keep fighting through this then until we end up with a working RepRap. I personally would love to help sort this out once I understand it. From everyone's posts, it seems that there are a lot of reprap.org subdomains. Could someone please explain the purpose of each one? dev.forums.reprap.org and forums.reprap.org Iby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
A few friends and I came across the RepRap project. We watched some videos, saw how many people had built them, and said, "We can do that." We started out expecting to be able to order all the parts in maybe an hour or two, and then start building as they come in. That's not the way it's working out, not at all. It seems like all of the information is spread out all over the website, and some ofby Hypoon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Ok, that makes a lot more sense. I remember seeing something rather innovative. I believe it was nophead that created a heated bed to help keep the previous layers warm. This way, the extruded plastic does not need to be as hot to bring the layers to welding temperature. Perhaps that's really the trick to finely working with certain materials. -Hypoonby Hypoon - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I don't have my reprap yet, but still I don't understand what you mean, Erik. How does the amount of material being extruded affect the thermal energy it contains? If anything, I would think a small amount of material would get hotter. (By the way: heat is the *flow* of thermal energy, typically from one object to another) -Hypoonby Hypoon - Plastic Extruder Working Group
About taking forever to print a high resolution object, I believe there's a fairly simple solution. Use two extruders, but not simultaneously. The high-resolution extruder prints the outer shell and the low-resolution extruder fills. Should make for a much faster solution than printing the entire object at high-resolution, depending on the surface area / volume ratio. Assuming the higher resolutiby Hypoon - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Does anyone have any good ways to find the (exact) measurements from the RepRap's stl files? I'm planning on making my own pieces for my RepRap, but I don't know of any easy way to find their dimensions. Since it takes so many (41?) different parts to build one, I would love it if there was a resource documenting the necessary measurements. For example, for the bed-springs I at least need to knoby Hypoon - General Mendel Topics
After doing some more googling, it seems that some people have already had success using icing sugar (it washes away easily). As far as straight sugar is concerned, caramelizing might be a problem. For simplicity's sake, I think solids that could be pulled into filaments would be easier to work with. Unlike powders, they don't pose danger to RepRap's moving parts, and unlike pastes, they're not mby Hypoon - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I've read a little bit here and there about plans for being able to use support materials, the lack of this feature being (in my opinion) one of RepRap's biggest limitations. There are obviously two halves to this, the first being the extruder for the material, and the second being the material itself. I'm just starting to get the parts for my own RepRap now, so the extruder half is totally overby Hypoon - Plastic Extruder Working Group