Creation Workshop

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Creation Workshop UV DLP Slicing and Control Software

The Creation Workshop UV DLP Slicing and Control software can be used for (wet) liquid stereolithography and (dry) powder 3D printing.

Creation Workshop Beta 10 Well, the time has finally come to release the next version of Creation Workshop. I keep saying this, but it's been too long since I made a release. Thanks to the help of dozens of users, I was able to make fixes and improvements to the slicing, generation of GCode, control of the printer, multiple profiles, and dozens of other items. Please see the ReleaseNotes.txt for a full list of improvements. The one things I really wanted to finish up - Automatic Support Generation is unfortunately not in this release. It will be coming soon, but I didn't want to delay this release any more.

I decided to move the software out of the Alpha stage and into Beta. It seems stable enough, and from what I've seen, dozens of users have been able to print some wonderful models with it.

I've taken the time to update the manual and add in a hardware guide to address many of the question I have about my setup.

You can get the latest Version 10 Beta from the usual spot here: [1]

I've set up a website for the latest news, information, and forums here: [2]

Please take the time to play around with it and give some feedback. I look forward to hearing from you all. Final Words: This project has taken quite a bit of time and effort. I would love to see this application become a part of the community tools for printer control. Please take the time to report any bugs, give any constructive feedback and design recommendations to: [email protected] If you appreciate this program, please also consider donating to me via @ [3]  !