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FoldaRap2 Documentation
Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: working

FoldaRap2 07.jpg
another folding reprap
RepRap, XY-head, Other
CAD Models
External Link

Codename : Mondrian

Here is what I wanted to try among the possibilities to make a Foldable RepRap.

I didn't pursued the XY-head + telescopic Z because I couldn't get my head around how to do it properly at this moment.

But after having seen the Create it gave me some new ideas, for a future v2 of the FoldaRap :)





  • Printed Parts: 20-21
  • Non-Printed Parts: ?
  • Material Cost: ?
  • Cost: ?
  • Printing Size: lenght of choosen extrusion minus 50-100mm (=100^3 for 200mm ; 200^3 for 300mm ; 350^3 for 400mm ; etc.)
  • Resolution : XY = 0.0125 mm ; Z = 0,00025 mm with m5 rods
  • Accuracy : 0.1 mm
  • Speed: 50 - 500 mm/s (print-travel, max speed tested yet)

Special features

  • Modular/scalable design (with the same printed part you can build a small cube or a big plotter frame, just choose accordingly your length of extrusions/belt)
  • Based on standard/cheap 20x20mm aluminium extrusion (with 6mm slot)
  • The frame is the linear guide for X, Y, Z axis
  • Easy to build, with few tools
  • 1.75mm Direct Driven Bowden Extruders (dual-head)
  • small footprint : lenght of extrusion plus 40mm (240x240 for 200mm ; 340x340 for 300mm ; etc.)
  • Big Blue Power Switch

  • [to-do] scissor-lift Z (not on the intermediate iteration), for a "flat" printer that expand as it print

Naming Convention

  • FoldaRap2-M222 : Mondrian (non-foldable verion), 200mm extrusion in X, 200mm in Y and 200 in Z (the first prototype, the 9th iteration achieved the first nice print)
  • FoldaRap2-M332 : the second prototype (300x300x200)
  • FoldaRap2-M333 : the third prototype
  • FoldaRap2-M763 : just an idea for a laser cutter :P
  • FoldaRap2-M71010 : actual prototype (10th iteration) for the science faire (700 x 1000 x 1000 mm)

FoldaRap2-M763 Lasercutter.jpg

To Do

  • place the endstops
  • active cooling addon
  • bed leveling
  • dual-extrusion settings
  • x-addon for the chocolate extruder of LaurentF.
  • mini-cnc addon [59]
  • foldable Z axis (long term)
  • bio-printing


External links, media/press, etc.

  1. Github mentioning an "awesome" project among others ^^

More inspiration


  • H-XY

<videoflash>Hc0ADpQ6FBg|320|240</videoflash> <videoflash>FP2ciUBT6nY|320|240</videoflash> <videoflash>uqW3t7c3u4M|320|240</videoflash> <videoflash>_EWfmcWAz-M|320|240</videoflash>

  • Direct sliding on the aluminium frame
