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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: concept


A generic touch controller with support for multiple display types
CAD Models
External Link

RepRapTouch is a concept to integrate a touch screen LCD with RepRap printers.

You can get color LCDs with touchscreen controllers (SSD1963) in reasonable quality from china off eBay - something like 30 USD for a 4.3" LCD and 40 USD for a 5.0" one.

RepRapTouch consists of a separate AVR Microcontroller which handles:

  • Taking user input, building the screens
  • Talking to the electronics via serial
  • Print from SD Card attached to the display controller (most of those displays come with a SD Card slot) or from the SD Card on the main electronics Needs investigation if and how that's possible. G20 lists sd card contents.


  • atmega1284p (128k flash, 32 I/O, 16k ram) That's the only big AVR I got laying around for testing. Probably an AVR with integrated USB will go in later)
  • Is another arduino suitable?
  • Connector to those displays (do they follow any pinout standard, or do we need adaptors?)


  • The UI needs to be scalable, so that we don't need to reinvent the wheel for different resolutions


Why a separate controller?
Graphics display takes quite a bit of CPU time and interrupts for touch aquisition. The main electronics are busy with printing, and the firmware shouldn't become more bloated than necessary.


This is definitely inspired by Marco Antonini's RepRap Touch TFT LCD

The site seems to be down,