Universal Controller Board v1.1

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Universal Controller Board

Version 1.1 - April 2nd, 2007


RepRap uses the same printed circuit design for both the stepper controllers and the extruder controllers, but different components (and some common ones) are needed for each. This page describes how to put the common components together on the PCB and test them.

In fact, there is very little extra that needs to be added to the PCB that you will assemble from the instructions on this page and the complete stepper controller so, as you will see below, you can use a stepper motor to test the board at this stage, even if the board is actually going to end up as an extruder controller.

File Locations
All the files are in Subversion at svn/reprap/electronics/Universal-pcb

Build It

Printed Circuit Board


Files Needed for Printing

Copper Traces Postscript PDF
Component Traces Postscript PDF
Component Silkscreen Postscript PDF

Use those and follow the instructions on how to make your own PCBs.

Common Components

Component Value Quantity Description Mouser Part#
U1 78L05 1 a 5V voltage regulator 512-LM78L05ACZX
U2 L298N 1 a motor driver chip 511-E-L298N
U3 PIC16F628 1 the microcontroller 579-PIC16F628A-E/P
n/a 18-pin DIL 1 a socket for the PIC16F628 575-199318
D1 - D8 1N4005 8 a transistor 512-1N4005
C1 1000uF 25v 1 an ElectrolyticCapacitor UVR1E102MPD
C2 100uF 12v 1 an ElectrolyticCapacitor UVR1E101MED
C4 0.1uF 1 an ElectrolyticCapacitor 647-UVR2A0R1MDD
R4 220R 1 a Resistor 291-220-RC
R2 10K 1 a Resistor 291-10K-RC
D9 LED 1 a LightEmittingDiode
P1 power connector 1 this connector is a bit more secure.
K1, K2, P5, P8, P9, P10 12 pins 1 PCB transition connector 571-41032390

The transition connector pins are like A, and the power connector is like B:


Soldering - first stage: the vias (through links)


If you have bought a commercial PCB then the vias should be through-plated and you won't need to do this. But if you've made the PCB yourself then you will. The picture shows where all the vias need to go. Right-click on it and select "view image" for a high-resolution version.

You need to solder a length of wire (leads cut from old resistors and capacitors are ideal, so save them...) through each via. Print the image, and cross each one off as you do it so you can keep track.

The simplest way to do the job is to support the PCB a little proud of a flat surface (putting it on four M4 nuts works well). Drop the wires through the holes, then to solder them on just the top side. When you've finished cut the excess off the tops with side-cutters, turn the board over (no M4 nuts this time - just flat on the surface supported by the sticking-out and cut wires) and solder the other side.

If your board will become a stepper controller solder a via where the green dot is. If it will be an extruder controller a resistor will go there and make the connection, so no green via is needed. If you don't want to run a slave stepper (and the standard RepRap design doesn't use this) you will not need the connector P10. If you leave that off, put vias where the blue dots are.

Soldering - second stage: power, PIC holder, and LED

Component Value
U1 78L05
C1 1000uF 25v
C2 100uF 12v
C4 0.1uF
P1, P5, P8 2 pin header
R4 220R
U3A 18 pin DIL PIC socket

Soldering Order

  1. U1 - the orientation is important here. With board as in the photograph, the flat on the chip faces down and to the left.
  2. C1 - negative faces up.
  3. C2 - negative faces up.
  4. D9 - the LED anode (+) is the long lead. This goes to the right.
  5. P1, P5, P8, R4, U3A - the orientation doesnt matter.
  6. C4 - not on picture; goes where the red dot is; orientation doesnt matter.
  7. PIC socket - notch down.

The PIC will eventually be mounted in the 18-pin DIL socket, as it will need to be removed and re-inserted for programming. Leave it in its anti-static packaging for the moment.

Take particular care to get the polarity of the electrolytic capacitors and the LED correct. (The right-angled LED that I used and that you can see in the picture had a little + marked on it, which makes things easy.)

Testing Rounds

First test - power

Wire the Communications and Power Distribution Board to your new circuit like this, but leave the PIC out of its socket and leave the transmit and receive wires disconnected.

Take Great Care to get the polarity of the power leads (red and black on the picture, and with red + and blue - labels) right.


Connect 12v power to the Comms board and check that there is 5v between sockets 14 and 5 of the PIC holder (- to pin 5, + to pin 14). This 5v comes from the regulator U1 (78L05).

Take the + probe of the voltmeter and check all the pin-sockets of the PIC connector relative to its socket 5. Most should be at 0v; one or two should be at about 3v. None should be more than 5v.

Switch off the power.

Second test - program chip

Now program up a PIC 16F628 (U3) with the file ~your-id/workspace/firmware/build/16f628/stepmotor/stepmotor.hex. This is the X-axis PIC control program for your RepRap machine. Observe the usual CMOS anti-static precautions when handling the PIC.

Connect transmit (T) on the Comms board to receive (R) on your new board, and recieve (R) on the Comms board to transmit (T) on your new board. Plug in the programmed PIC, notch to the right in the orientation shown in the picture above.

Switch on the power. The LED on your new board should light. Switch the power off again.

Third test - exercise command

Connect an RS232 cable between your computer and the Comms board.

Open the Eclipse Java development program. Open the Reprap project, and walk down the tree: src -> org.reprap. Right-mouse click on main.java and go down to Run as... -> Java Application.

Select Preferences from the File menu and set the port to the one your RS232 cable is connected to.

Click on the Axes tab and select Cartesian as the geometry. (The default is Null Cartesian, which is a dummy RepRap machine inside the software for testing purposes.) Cartesian is an honest-to-goodness real RepRap, such as the one taking shape on the end of your RS232 cable...

Click on OK in the Preferences box.

Turn on the power.

Now, from the Tools menu select Stepper exerciser. This should open a window that looks like this:


As you can imagine, this window allows you to move your RepRap machine around just by draging those pointers with the mouse. Drag the X-axis pointer to the right. The LED on your new board (which was on continuously) should begin to flash. Whenever one of the stepper controllers is moving its motor it flashes its LED, and this is what's happening. Of course you don't actually have a motor connected, or even the motor driver, U2 (L298N). But the PIC doesn't know that.

Close the program and all the windows, and turn off the 12v power.

Soldering - second stage


Remove the PIC and place it in its anti-static package. The picture shows the second stage of soldering complete.

Components for this stage

Component Value
D1 - D8 1N4005
K1, K2 3 pin header
P9 4 pin header
R2 10K
U2 L298N

Soldering Order

  1. do the rest of the vias. There is also one through-hole at B (second from the left of that row).
  2. the resistor
  3. add the links at A (in place of the optional R7 and R8; these allow the use of non-standard opto-switches and are usually not needed).
  4. the connectors
  5. U2 -- do this before diodes... otherwise it will be hard to reach
  6. then the diodes. Note the polarity of the diodes: the stripe / bar to the right in the picture.

Put jumpers on connectors K1 and K2 as shown in the photograph (just above the letters A) - this tells the PIC that the axis that it thinks it is driving is not at either end stop.

Testing Rounds

Fourth test - voltage reading

Reconnect the power connection to the Comms board, put a voltmeter on sockets 5 and 14 of the PIC holder (- to pin 5, + to pin 14), and turn on the power. The voltmeter should read 5v.

Take the + probe of the voltmeter and check all the pin-sockets of the PIC connector relative to its socket 5. Most should be at 0v; one or two should be at about 3v. None should be more than 5v.

Turn off the power.

Fifth test - led flashy

Plug the PIC back in.

Reconnect the transmit and recieve lines. and re-run the Third Test above. The LED should still flash.

Turn off the power.

Sixth test - action!


Connect a 4-wire bipolar stepper motor to the connector labeled C in the picture (P9). This can be one of the RepRap steppers that you will be using, or just a spare for testing taken from an old printer, say. Any stepper with a coil resistance of more than 10 ohms and less than about 50 ohms should work. Connect one coil between pins 1 and 2 of P9, and the other between pins 3 and 4.

Your RepRap machine will need three of these. Chop the four white + coloured-stripe wires short - about 50 mm, strip them, and twist and solder the read-and-white one to the black-and-white one, and the yellow-and-white one to the green-and-white one. Put heat-shrink sleve over the connections to insulate them.

Then solder a 4-pin socket onto the other four plain coloured wires. The pin numbers are:

Pin Colour
1 Red
2 Black
3 Green
4 Yellow

Plug the socket onto the connector labeled C in the picture (P9), red wire towards the centre of the PCB. Open the Eclipse Java development program. Open the Reprap project, and walk down the tree: src -> org.reprap. Right-mouse click on main.java and go down to Run as... -> Java Application. From the File menu select Preferences, and from that select Axes. Set the X axis power to 100%, and click OK.

For all the following tests, don't run the motor for more than a few seconds because the L298N chip doesn't have a heat sink on it yet - it'll get hot. Between each test, uncheck the Torque box for the motor to turn the current to it off when it isn't doing anything.

Repeat the third test, but first drag the motor speed bars on the left of the window down to about two-thirds of the way. The LED should flash and the motor should rotate (Blu-tack an old component lead to the spindle so you can see what's happening; see the picture).

Finally, select the X-Axis "Home" button in the window. The motor should rotate continuously in the opposite direction.

Pull off the left-hand jumper (on K2; the one nearest and on the left in the photograph). The motor should stop as this is the signal to the PIC that the endstop has been reached.


You have finished the common circuitry for the Universal PCB!

Continue on to making:


Circuit diagram and PCB

All the KiCad files for this are in ~your-id/workspace/electronics/Universal-pcb. In particular, if you open stepper-and-extruder.pro in that directory in KiCad you will have both the circuit diagram and the PCB layout available.

You may have acquired the PCB from a commercial supplier, in which case carry on below. To make one yourself, follow this link.

Here's what the PCB will look like when you start. The side the components go on is the one with the lettering (this one):


PIC 16F628 Pinout:

One obvious common component is the PIC - a 16F628. But some pins do different things in the two devices:

[i] = input, [o] = output, [b] = bidirectional

Pin Stepper controller Extruder controller
RA0 L298 [o] L298 (Fan) [o]
1 Sync [b] Thermistor [i]
2 L298 [o] L298 (Fan ) [o]
3 Sync [b] Heater [o]
4 LED [o] LED [o]
5 Max [i] Material out (input only) [i]
6 - Thermistor [i]
7 - Thermistor [i]
RB0 Min [i] Slotted-wheel for extrude speed [i]
1 Rx [i] Rx [i]
2 Tx [o] Tx[o]
3 L298 Enable [o] L298 Enable [o]
4 L298 [o] L298 (Extrude) [o]
5 L298 [o] L298 (Extrude) [o]
6 - -
7 - -

Board Modifications

R7 and R8 are only needed if you use an alternate design for end-stop, material-out, and extrude-speed sensors. Normally they are replaced by wire jumpers.

Without L298N

Components marked (A) are for an alternate extruder design without an L298N, and so can normally be left out. (This extruder is cheaper to make, but can't reverse the extrude motor - to make it just leave out U2, D1...D8, and P9, then add in the (A) components.)

R6 220R A
R7 220R A
R8 220R A
R9 220R A
Q3 TIP110 A
Q2 TIP110 A

Easy Breadboard

Ignore components J1 ... J8; they are just SIL connectors that were added to the circuit diagram to create the pattern for the breadboard area - you don't actually need to solder connectors into those holes (though you can if you want - then you can breadboard without soldering).

Parts For Easy Breadboard

J1 SIL10 -
J2 SIL10 -
J3 SIL10 -
J4 SIL10 -

Slave Motor

It's also possible to drive a slave stepper from this board using another L298N chip. There is a connector (P10) for the slave stepper driver should you want to drive more than one stepper. P10 brings out all the signals from the PIC to the stepper driver, so just connect another L298N on a separate board up like the first one to those five signals (also don't forget the diodes) and plug in another stepper, which will run in synchronisation with the first.