What would you make

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So, if you had a RepRap, capable of extruding plastic, circuitry, and things with the consistency of icing, what would you make with it?

Utilitarian Items

  • A shotglass with RepRap written on it.

Power Generation

  • A small windmill
  • A small waterwheel

Goods For The Needy

  • A water purifier
  • Hydroponics components
  • Framework for solar reflector
  • Drug manufacturing and purification systems

Geek Toys

  • A Wi-Fi VoIP phone
  • A custom keyboard for gaming
  • A Nerf(TM) gun
  • Collapsing dodecahaedron
  • Model of Tux the penguin

RepRap Adjuncts

  • 3D Scanner
  • Recycler
  • Plastics factory

Advanced Tools

  • Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM)


No idea where to put it? Put it here and we'll sort it out later.

  • Elaborate chocolate novelties

-- Main.VikOlliver - 08 Feb 2006