Talk:RepRap Buyers' Guide

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Revision as of 18:39, 4 March 2015 by Easyreprap (talk | contribs) (How to get included into the RepRap Buyers' Guide)
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Remember guys, neutral voice, this is a wiki, not a Flea Market. -Neil/Spacexula

How to get included into the RepRap Buyers' Guide

It's simple: please add your entry here in a new line. Take care to set to set your country right and also to put checkmarks (only) where they fit. Admins watch this talk page and will take the entry over to the main page after a review.

In case you aren't allowed to add external links (you'll notice that), put a space between the slashes of the link, like http:/ / . The Admin will fix them when moving the entry over to the main page.

Vendor Loc.
 Full Printer Kits
 Printed Parts Kits
 Electronics Kits
 Heated Beds
 Smooth/threaded Rods
Developers of ... Reviews and notes
Example Shop AQ Miscellaneous <your genuine development(s), if any, here> reviews go here (third party only)
Easy RepRap USA

-moved over and sorted the list out 23/4/2014 - thejollygrimreaper -moved over and sorted the list out 22/6/2014 - thejollygrimreaper -Moved over to main list 12/11/2014 - thejollygrimreaper -list sorted 30/11/2014 - --Thejollygrimreaper (talk) 15:49, 29 November 2014 (PST) -moved over --Thejollygrimreaper (talk) 17:40, 3 December 2014 (PST) -moved over --Thejollygrimreaper (talk) 03:34, 15 December 2014 (PST) -moved over --Thejollygrimreaper (talk) 23:44, 16 January 2015 (PST)


Does it still make sense to list Makerbot here ? They do not do open-hardware anymore, they are pretty hostile to the community, and the only few parts they carry that could be useful in building a reprap are hobbed bolts and a few other random vitamins. --Arthurwolf (talk) 02:27, 9 December 2014 (PST)

various pages that list sellers

There seem to be a bunch of wiki pages that list places where people can buy stuff related to building a RepRap (raw materials and "vitamins") or a RepStrap.

Should we merge some of these pages together? Or put an explanation on one of these pages that lists all the pages why each one exists? --DavidCary 03:07, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Hey guys! a bunch of useful information disappearred just now. Specifically, McMaster Carr entry had links to two specific steel rods. They were the cheapest in my area and they delivered them the same day. Are these not suitable anymore? --user: Prof_Braino Sept 17

Please update the table listing for

We have added Hobbed Bolts (information can be found here ) and MK1 Heated Beds (info can be found here ).

How to support developers even better

Following the discussion about TrinityLabs above, I'd appreciate a discussion on how to support RepRap developers even better. The "Developer of..." column is new in this revision of the guide and meant to distinguish shops just copying openly available developments (I tend to call then "copy shops") from those who also do active development for the RepRap community. Now User:ArthurWolf has brought up shops which don't do their own development, but "support" development. I guess, "support" means something like paying a fee per product sold or ordering shop supplies not at a manufacturer, but from the developer.

As shops supporting development are undoubtly more valueable for the community, maybe even essential for the community to survive as an independent one, how can we get this into the picture? What's the measurement to avoid checkmark hunters (like e.g. donating $0.10 per product sold, just to get the check mark) versus highlighting noticeable support? Can we perhaps call out one of the support strategies to be a recommended standard for RepRap shops?

--Traumflug 20:18, 14 June 2013 (UTC)

P.S.: After writing this ArthurWolf explained the situation: TrinityLabs is actually one of several of the SmoothieBoard developers (so far I considered him to be the only one), but he also asked to forward this to another admin, so I keep my hands still. Nevertheless I think the general scope of the topic here deserves a discussion. --Traumflug 20:41, 14 June 2013 (UTC)

Perhaps as a first step in this direction, each row could name the developer(s) who designed the products they are selling? For example, if a shop sold the original, unmodified Darwin, that row would credit Adrian Bowyer. More recent machines would typically credit at least 3 people (the mechanical structure designer, the electronics designer, and the software programmer) and previous designers whose work they built on. --DavidCary 17:57, 25 August 2013 (UTC)

Might become tricky, because shops not selling their own developments tend to sell many different designs. Regarding electronics and firmware I'd be very happy to see this recognized as separate itmes. You can drive a Mendel with about any electronics and many firmwares; the smae is true for about any printer design. Printer designs should just list the required features of the controlling electronics instead of prefering a specific one. --Traumflug 10:47, 26 August 2013 (UTC)

Reviews shouldn't be from shop owners, but for customers

Some of «Reviews and notes» are filled by shop owners; this is bad because isn't factual. Same for price, because shop owners will not be able to edit and update this information directly. --Xoan Sampaiño (talk) 21:27, 23 June 2014 (PDT)

listing update

9/2/2015- moved over, if i missed any add them to the list at the top of the page --Thejollygrimreaper (talk) 01:34, 9 February 2015 (PST)