Electronics Naming Conventions

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Revision as of 02:59, 7 September 2010 by Sebastien Bailard (talk | contribs) (Consideration)
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Electronics Naming Conventions

This is a Library Policy Proposal. Let's think about it for 
a few years, and then maybe have a vote or something. 
--Sebastien Bailard 06:58, 7 September 2010 (UTC)


The goal of this page is to categorize and organize RepRap electronics releases with a standard naming convention that is similar to how RepRap's are named. As this is written (09-06-2010) the current standard is "Generation n" where n is an positive integer that is incremented by one for each release AKA Gen. 2, Gen. 3, etc.

Starting list (unordered)

Suggested release name in parenthesis.

Alessandro Guiseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta (Volta)
André-Marie Ampére (Ampére)
James Prescott Joule (Joule)
Georg Simon Ohm (Ohm)
James Watt (Watt)
Nikola Tesla (Tesla)
Thomas Alva Edison (Edison)
Charles William Siemens (Siemens)
Charles-Augustin Coulomb (Coulomb)
Michael Faraday (Faraday)
Joseph Henry (Henry)
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz(Hertz)
Guglielmo Marconi (Marconi)
Benjamin Franklin (Franklin)
Samuel Morse (Morse)
Thomas Seebeck (Seebeck)
Alexander Graham Bell (Bell)
Albert Einstein (Einstein)
William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (Kelvin)


Figure out order. (Alphabetical, DOB, discovery date)?
Define what qualifies as important enough to be added to the list.


http://www.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au/people/profiles/famous.html http://www.code-electrical.com/historyofelectricity.html


RepRap's Entrepreneur-Developers like Camiel who's doing up the Generation_6_Electronics, think it is Jolly Good Fun to keep using Generation N as a name.

Unfortunately RRRF-Thingiverse is now developing in secret, which makes it even more difficult to cooperate with them. However, needs to keep playing fairly; in order to prevent a namespace collision we should make sure folk like Camiel only use even numbers. He and other Entrepreneur-Developers should be fine with that.

We're not really here to try to impose rules on folk, so maybe we shouldn't worry about it? Beyond trying to make sure N is even?

Extremely Pedantic Consideration

It may be Silly to name a board "The Volt".


See Also