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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: Experimental

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A new belt-drive repstrap loosely based on Darwin and the McWire Cartesian Bot
CAD Models
External Link

The Golem is a work-in-progress RepStrap. It'll be big and cheap, as much as I can make it. It probably won't have a great print area for its size, but I don't need to keep this thing on a desk. Y axis runs on aluminum channel, X axis will run on steel rod, and z axis will be on threaded rod, with the print platform moving. I'm thinking about using pololu sepper drivers and the sanguino for a motherboard.

Current Progress: Y axis is finished but for belts and motor mounts, and I'm currently working on the z-axis. Pictures coming as soon as I find my camera

To Do List

  • Cut and drill angle and channel for the z-axis
  • Build a coupler for the stepper and the threaded rod
  • Obtain timing pulleys and belt
  • Build print platform


I have basically a scrapyard in my backyard, so a lot of these parts are salvaged. This is a prety cobbled-together thing, using whatever I have or can get cheaply

  • Aluminum plate, channel, and angle - Salvaged, cut to size with circular saw, drilled with drill press
  • 3 Stepper motors - Cheap surplus-store Molon steppers (these guys) - Almost no specifications, I will test them and figure out voltage and current once I get my power supply and drivers. They don't have a great resolution - I'm thinking I will gear them. If they're no good, I can always buy some NEMA 17s.
  • 8 skate bearings - Salvaged from an old generic-brand skateboard. These are pretty nice bearings and perfect for what I have in mind. These are just for the y axis - I'm gonna need to find or buy some more for the carriage.
  • Threaded rod - Salavaged