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Extruder Motor Controller Board

Build It

This board extends from the Universal Controller Board. Build that first. After that there is a little bit more work left to make it into an extruder controller.

Component Value Quantity What is it Mouser #
P3 2 pins 1 connector to sync the boards
R2 10K 1 Resistor 291-10K-RC
R? 220  ? Resistor 291-220-RC
R? 180 1 Resistor 291-180-RC
R? 560 1 Resistor 291-560-RC
C2 1uF 1 ElectrolyticCapacitor UVR1E101MED
U? TIP110 3 Darlington 511-TIP110

Next, you'll need to program the PIC microcontroller with its specific firmware. We have a guide on how to do this. You need two of these boards - one for each extruder you build. Label them E1 & E2 with a label, typewriter correction fluid, or a felt-tipped pen so you don't forget which will be which.

You can download the latest HEX file to put into the extruder's PIC chip from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=159590

Extruder builds from source into ~your-id/workspace/firmware/build/16f628/extruder/extruder?.hex

Run It