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Revision as of 05:14, 3 July 2006 by EdSells (talk) (version migrated from twiki)
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This page summarises the progress of the RepRap team so far. It is a very general summary of the blog and should save you time in finding out where we are with the project. However, if you're after the very latest information and news then the blog is where it's at.

[Rappers - lets keep this as brief, history is irrelevant, and untechnical as poss]

The three major areas we're working on are:

  • Hardware
  • Electronics
  • Software

And when they're all brought together we'll have a replicating rapid-protyper.


What's the machine going to look like? Well, we're working on three different concepts at the same time. When they're all done we can take the best bits from each concept and come out with an all-singing, all-dancing hybrid architecture.

Vik's: Da Witch

Forrest's: Godzilla

Ed's: A.R.N.I.E.

A concept inspired by traditional 2D printing technology. The injection head will be mounted on the top of the frame to be moved in the x and y planes to print each layer of the part. The first layer will be printed directly onto the z-bed which will then be incremented downwards in the z direction for each subsequent layer.

Progress: The z-bed transmission is complete (see below) and now work has started on the x and y to install the injection head.




-- Main.EdSells - 03 Jul 2006