Duet pinout
This page documents the 50 pin expansion header found on the Duet board and used to interface with a Duex4 expansion board. There are multiple versions on the Duex4 board, V0.1, V0.2 and V0.2a, along with multiple versions of Duet electronics
The table columns are
- Pin -- the expansion header pin number,
- Duet Label -- the label for the pin shown on the underside of the Duet board for connecting to the Duex4.
- Due Pin -- the Arduino Due pin name; in some cases the pin does not have an Arduino Due name and an extended "X" name is shown instead for use with the SamNonDue library, and
- RepRapFirmware Usage -- the usage put to the pin by the dc42 branch of the RepRapFirmware
The dir[], enable[], and step[] values in the usage descriptions refer to the stepper driver direction, enable, and step pin assignment arrays. Similarly, the heat[] and therm[] values correspond to the heater power and thermistor sensor pin assignment and ADC channel arrays.
Duet 0.8.5 and Duex4 2a
The table below is specific to the Duet 0.8.5.
Note that heat[6] position (pin X17) in the default version of RepRap firmware is unassigned and instead used by Fan1 on the Duex 0.8.5 due to limitation on the total number of PWM pins.
Duet 0.8.5 | Due | Duet 0.8.5 | Due | |||||
Pin | Label | Pin | RepRapFirmware Usage | Pin | Label | Pin | RepRapFirmware Usage | |
2 | GND | 1 | +5V | |||||
4 | RST | 3 | +3.3V | |||||
6 | TWCK0 | D71 | Digipot | 5 | TWD0 | D70 | Digipot | |
8 | UTXD | D1 | Serial1 TX / PanelDue | 7 | URXD | D0 | Serial1 RX / PanelDue | |
10 | PA14 | D23 | FAN RPM | 9 | PD9 | D30/X9 | endstop[8] / E5_STOP | |
12 | RXD1 | D17 | MAX31855-3 CS (No Roland support) | 11 | TXD1 | D16 | MAX31855-2 CS (No Roland support) | |
14 | RXD0 | D19 | 13 | TXD0 | D18 | |||
16 | PC30 | D72/X11 | dir[8] / E5_DIR | 15 | PC29 | X10 | step[8] / E5_STEP | |
18 | PC4 | X17 | FAN1 / E5_PWM | 17 | PC28 | X13 | enable[8] / E5_EN | |
20 | PB14 | D53 | dir[5] / E2_DIR | 19 | PC7 | D39 | step[5] / E2_STEP | |
22 | PC22 | D8 | heat[4] / E3_PWM | 21 | PC23 | D7 | heat[3] / E2_PWM | |
24 | PC20 | X8 | enable[5] / E2_EN | 23 | PC21 | D9 | heat[5] / E4_PWM | |
26 | NPCS1 | D87 | MAX31855-1 CS | 25 | PB24 | X16 | ||
28 | SPCK0 | SPI channel 0 (e.g. MAX31855 SCK) | 27 | NPCS0 | D77 | MAX31855-0 CS | ||
30 | MISO0 | SPI channel 0 (e.g. MAX31855 SO) | 29 | MOSI0 | SPI channel 0 | |||
32 | PB16 | D67 | 31 | PB23 | X15 | |||
34 | AD0 | D61/A7 | therm[3] / E2_THERM | 33 | AD13 | D65/A11 | therm[6] / E5_THERM | |
36 | TWCK1 | D21 | 35 | TWD1 | D20 | |||
38 | AD11 | D63/A9 | therm[5] / E4_THERM | 37 | AD10 | D62/A8 | therm[4] / E3_THERM | |
40 | PB22 | X14 | 39 | VSSA | ||||
42 | PC11 | X4 | step[6] / E3_STEP | 41 | AD14 | D52 | Z_PROBE_MOD_PIN | |
44 | PC13 | D50 | enable[6] / E3_EN | 43 | PC12 | D51 | dir[6] / E3_DIR | |
46 | PC15 | D48 | dir[7] / E4_DIR | 45 | PC14 | D49 | step[7] / E4_STEP | |
48 | PC17 | D46 | endstop[5] / E2_STOP | 47 | PC16 | D47 | enable[7] / E4_EN | |
50 | PC19 | D44 | endstop[7] / E4_STOP | 49 | PC18 | D45 | endstop[6] / E3_STOP |
Note that Duex4 board makes the following associations when paired with the Duet 0.8.5
- E2 -- dir,enable,step[5] heat[3] therm[3]
- E3 -- dir,enable,step[6] heat[4] therm[4]
- E4 -- dir,enable,step[7] heat[5] therm[5]
- E5 -- dir,enable,step[8] heat[6] therm[6]
BUT heat[6] is presently not assigned in the main dc42 branch of the RepRapFirmware. The pin X17 is instead used for Fan1.
Duet 0.6 and Duex4
Duet 0.6 | Due | Duet 0.6 | Due | |||||
Pin | Label | Pin | RepRapFirmware Usage | Pin | Label | Pin | RepRapFirmware Usage | |
2 | GND | 1 | +5V | |||||
4 | RST | 3 | +3.3V | |||||
6 | TWCK0 | D71 | Digipot | 5 | TWD0 | D70 | Digipot | |
8 | UTXD | D1 | Serial1 TX / PanelDue | 7 | URXD | D0 | Serial1 RX / PanelDue | |
10 | PA14 | D23 | FAN RPM | 9 | PA15 | D24 | endstop[4] / E1_STOP | |
12 | RXD1 | D17 | MAX31855-3 CS (No Roland support) | 11 | TXD1 | D16 | MAX31855-2 CS (No Roland support) | |
14 | RXD0 | D19 | 13 | TXD0 | D18 | |||
16 | PC3 | D35 | dir[4] / E1_DIR | 15 | PC9 | D41 | step[4] / E1_STEP | |
18 | PC6 | X7 | heat[2] / E1_PWM | 17 | PC5 | D37 | enable[4] / E1_EN | |
20 | PB14 | D53 | dir[5] / E2_DIR | 19 | PC7 | D39 | step[5] / E2_STEP | |
22 | PC22 | D8 | heat[4] / E3_PWM | 21 | PC23 | D7 | heat[3] / E2_PWM | |
24 | PC20 | X8 | enable[5] / E2_EN | 23 | PC21 | D9 | heat[5] / E4_PWM | |
26 | NPCS1 | D87 | MAX31855-1 CS | 25 | PC4 | D36 | ||
28 | SPCK0 | SPI channel 0 (e.g. MAX31855 SCK) | 27 | NPCS0 | D77 | MAX31855-0 CS | ||
30 | MISO0 | SPI channel 0 (e.g. MAX31855 SO) | 29 | MOSI0 | SPI channel 0 | |||
32 | PB16 | D67 | 31 | PB15 | D66 | |||
34 | AD0 | D61/A7 | therm[3] / E2_THERM | 33 | AD7 | A0 | therm[2] / E1_THERM | |
36 | TWCK1 | D21 | 35 | TWD1 | D20 | |||
38 | AD11 | D63/A9 | therm[5] / E4_THERM | 37 | AD10 | D62/A8 | therm[4] / E3_THERM | |
40 | AD13 | A11/D65 | 39 | AD12 | A10/D64 | |||
42 | PC11 | X4 | step[6] / E3_STEP | 41 | AD14 | D52 | Z_PROBE_MOD_PIN | |
44 | PC13 | D50 | enable[6] / E3_EN | 43 | PC12 | D51 | dir[6] / E3_DIR | |
46 | PC15 | D48 | dir[7] / E4_DIR | 45 | PC14 | D49 | step[7] / E4_STEP | |
48 | PC17 | D46 | endstop[5] / E2_STOP | 47 | PC16 | D47 | enable[7] / E4_EN | |
50 | PC19 | D44 | endstop[7] / E4_STOP | 49 | PC18 | D45 | endstop[6] / E3_STOP |
Note that the Duex4 board makes the following associations when paired with the Duet 0.6
- E1 -- dir,enable,step[4] heat[2] therm[2]
- E2 -- dir,enable,step[5] heat[3] therm[3]
- E3 -- dir,enable,step[6] heat[4] therm[4]
- E4 -- dir,enable,step[7] heat[5] therm[5]