- 2 Instructions
- 3.1 Q: Why do my Prints come out crappy. Is something wrong with SFACT?
- 3.2 Q: Where do I look for possible hardware problems?
- 3.3 Q: How do I calibrate Sfact?
- 3.4 Q: The Thin walled print comes out dead on, but my top and bottom layers are overfilled, how do I correct this?
- 3.5 Q: What Do I need to change to make SFACT work on my specific printer?
- 3.6 Q: What does COOL do?
- 3.7 Q: Why do I need to calibrate in SFACT. Doesnt calibrating E-steps in FW do that already?
- 3.8 Q: What the hell is SKIN?
- 3.9 Q: Why are the width setting in SFACT absolute and not a ratio as in SF?
- 3.10 Q: Can I set width and height of extrusion at will or are there any guidelines?
- 3.11 Q: What exactly does the Infill Extra Spacing in FILL do?
- 3.12 Q: What are bridge/bridge layers?
- 3.13 Q: Why is TEMPERATURE disabled by default.
- 3.14 Q: My alterations and start.gmc, end.gmc files are not working. What am I doing wrong?
- 3.15 Q: What is the penultimate gcode file I am getting?
- 3.16 Q: Why are there now two dimension plugins (DIMENSION and OLDDIMENSION)?
- 3.17 Q: What happened to the old retraction settings? What the hell is oozerate?
- 3.18 Q: What is CLIP. What does it do?
SF-ACT is a user friendly version of Skeinforge with lots of enhancements. It has correct default values and does not mess up your current SF install as it stores its settings in its own sfact_settings folder located in the Skeinforge folder. You will only need to enter your filament diameter to print.
SFACT is avilable here:
Updated and working versions of SFACT and help are under : SFACT Homepage and the development is under: www.github.com/ahmetcemturan/SFACT (Master branch) License is same as Skeinforge (GNU Affero General Public License)
For SFACT to work you need to have Python 2.7 installed.
SFACT is only compatible with Stepper extruders and best works with Sprinter Firmware and Pronterface host program.
SFACT is Skeinforge modified to be more practical and easier to tune. Features include:
-Will not mess up your old Skeinforge settings as it will use its own sfact_settings directory inside its own folder.
-Deleted unused plugins and unused settings.
-Namings changed to be more understandable.
-Important settings moved to top of Plugin Tab.
-Default values give good prints rightaway.
-Internally used Gcode files use extension .gmc now.
-Most Feedrates are now entered as values (mm/s) and their respective flowrates are 1 so you dont have to enter everything twice.
-Extrusion width is now entered in mm instead of a ratio to layer height.
-Moved Turn Extruder off at shutdown to Chamber.
-Added Turn PrintBed off at shutdown.
Clip over Perimeter width is now calculated automatically. The default is 1 and can be tuned from there.
-Added feature for calibration.
-Retract can be set conditionally depending on extrusion amount before retract and the travel move in retracted state (SF Beanshell). Also retract can be forced to happen if moving over loops.
Replaced Export plugin with Gary Hodgson's plugin.
-Option to export settings as Zip file or a single CSV file for sharing.
-Option to individually name the exported gcode files with description, timestamp and profile used.
-Infill width over layerthickness setting is replaced by Extrusion Lines Extra spacing.
-Extrusion Lines Extra spacing is calculated automatically and defaults to 1 for tuning.
-Infill Overlap over Perimeter is also calculated internally and defaults to 1 so it can be easily tweaked.
The ınset value is now Overlap Removal and is also calculated internally with default 1 for tweaking.
-Added the option to send Extruder reset (G92 E0) command before print so that the extruder does not spool back after priming. (Even without start.gmc file)
-Ordering, grouping and namings changed to reflect the use of interface settings for the support structures.
-Support feedrate and support flowrate can be set seperately.
-Support extension(s) are now more understandable.
-First Layer feedrates are given in mm/s instead of a ratio to the main feedrate.
-Feedrates are entered as values with respective flowrates as 1, instead of entering sam value again. (except for Bridge Feedrate).
-Nozzle Lift setting has been changed to Extra nozzle Lift over object and defaults to 0.
-Wipe is on by default and is around the 0 point
You need to have Python installed (if you had Skeinforge running before thats sufficent) 1-Extract the contents of the RAR file into a Folder of your choice :) Go into folder skeinforge_application. 2-Click skeinforge.py 3-Go to DIMENSION tab and enter your "measured" filament diameter. 4-Go to Carve, enter reasonable Layer height and Extrusion width values. (Try to have layer height slightly lower than nozzle diameter and Extrusion width slightly wider than nozzle diameter.) 5-Click Skeinforge at bottom of tab and choose the STL file to slice. 6-Generated Gcode will be at the sam folder as the STL file. Enjoy good Prints.
If you should feel the need to calibrate:
- 1-Print a thin walled test object (Single wall)
- Measure the width of the wall.
- 2-Go to Dimension and check the Calibration Checkbox.
- 3-Enter the Measured value.
- 4a-ReSkein the object. During the Skein the command window will display a packing ratio. Note it somewhere (the first 4 digits are enough)
- 4b-Print the object.
- 5-If satisfied with the print, go to DIMENSION tab uncheck the calibration checkbox and enter that value into the packing density Box.
- 6-You are done. Repeat when needed. Changing extrusion values should not necessarily arise the need for recalibration...
A continuously updated FAQs is at SFACT FAQs
Below answers are based on default SFACT settings. If you have messed them up you can revert to the defaults by closing SFACT and deleting the sfact_profiles directory afterwards.
This will delete all profiles and SFACt will recreate one with defaults on restart.
Plugin Names are Printed CAPS
Q: Why do my Prints come out crappy. Is something wrong with SFACT?
A: First of all please consider that SFACT was created/is maintained by someone who has no Programming background. He sled into this while wanting to write documentation for setting up Skeinforge, found that it would be easier to make a spreadsheet for calculating the zillon Skeinforge settings and finally found that it would be wisest to enter the formulas directly into Skeinforge.
- That resulted in SF by ACTion68 (ACT being his Initials) >> SFACT. So it is possible that there are faults and we welcome it if you inform us about them. BUT if you have never had a successful print before and are printing with the default settings of SFACT, you can be sure (about 99%... yeah I measured..:P) that it is some other problem than SFACT.
Too many people had slam-dunk success with their first prints. Just forget about everything you know about Skeinforge settings. (feed=flow and things like that).
Make your first print with default settings of SFACT. They will be created when you first run SFACT. Only change Filament diameter to the diameter of your filament.
The default settings assume you are printing with a 0.5 nozzle. (And you should better be if you are just beginning).
Possible faults for just inconsistent prints are under: Where do I look for possible hardware problems?
Q: Where do I look for possible hardware problems?
Sloppiness of anything. the belts, bolts, smooth-rods, gears, motors.... anything will unavoidably worsen you print quality. And they dont add up but they multiply....
Bad hotend: You might have self sourced most of the parts but stay with the experienced folks for the hot end. For recommendations visit IRC channel or look up in reprap.org.
Bad filament trans
port system.. I could also have said hobbed bolt but You could also have some other system. Inconsistent feeding will give you very very bad prints. You will not be able to calibrate. Quick way to test this is when you extrude a long piece say 50mm of filament mark the filament with stripes and then let it slip through your fingers. It should have one continuous move... Other methods are to do the calibration of 100mm several times. The filament should be pulled in the same distance every time. It is not too bad if its say 98mm, as long as it is 98mm every time. You can correct for that during SFACT calibration later.
Filament that has soaked up humidity. Most plastics love to soak up the environments humidity. So does your filament. But H20 becomes a gas at 100oC. So the humidity/water in your filament becomes a gas that pushes your filament out
in bursts or less severe case you have a very runny nozzle.. No way You will be able to stop that ooze and still get a decent print. You need to dry that filament. For PLA it is recommended to dry in an oven at 60oC. You need to have some fan circulation during the drying process. PLA will start to soften at that temperature so keep that in mind when you put it in the oven. It will get soft and take the shape of the material it sits on. Best is to try small amounts first to make sure the oven shows tha right temperature. About 2-4hrs the drying will take. And reseal the filament after use. It will soak humidity again...
Q: How do I calibrate Sfact?
DIMENSION: Measure your filament width and enter it (measure across multiple places and enter the average to 2 sig figs (3.1 or 1.7 respectfully)
Insert: Enter your nozzle diameter (no need to measure, just enter the number you bought it as)
Print the _40x10.STL file included with Sfact. The default extrusion width in SFACT is 0.6
Using Calipers measure the wall diameter of all 4 sides of the thin wall cube. Throw out the largest value, and average the other 3. (Be sure you measure from the top of the box, not the bottom, the bottom might xbe flared out because of the 1st layer not being perfectly level. Also if you have big variations it is a good idea to measure the side that is extruded last as the extrusion will have mostly stabilised by then (after the Z-move). Try to measure as less layers from top as possible as the slightest vertical misalignment of your layers will increase the measured value. Ideally a single layer would be best but very difficult with regular calipers. (beware of biting into the filament during measurement..)
Go Back in Sfact to DIMENSION and click the "Calibrating" radio dial and enter the wall width. Reskein the _40x10.STL file.
At the end of the skeining process you will see (on the command window) a new packing density ratio, it should be somewhere between 1.2 and .8 . Enter it into the packing density ratio box. (If it's more off than that you very likely have a badly calibrated Estep on 1 of your axis’s. This is not too much of a problem when you want to get to printing rightaway but be aware that bad precision does not add up but multiplies... So go back later and fix it by re-calibrating E-steps)
Print the created Gcode.
If you are getting a correct measurement now you can uncheck the "are you calibrating" checkbox.
If not just enter the newly measured value into the measured width in DIMENSION. repeat until you are happy with the result.
Note: s.. You can interrupt and measure the print as soon as you feel the extrusion has stabilised.
Q: The Thin walled print comes out dead on, but my top and bottom layers are overfilled, how do I correct this?
In the FILL plugin in Sfact you can change the distance between the parallel lines as well as the concentric rings (extra perimeters). They are controlled by Extrusion lines extra spacing variable. The default value is 1. It adjusts itself automatically according to your other settings and this varibale is just for tuning. Increasing it will make the spaces between these lines bigger. (with "these" I mean all the layers that have parallel lines as well as the lines in the line fill. If you reduce the number .95 they will move closer and you will have a more "packed layer". So if you need to have say a watertight bottom you might need to decrease the spacing (0.95).
Another way to reduce the full layers density is to turn down the main flow rate. This has the unfortunate drawback of also reducing the density of your infill. Always remember that reducing the flowrate means (as the height is given by the space between the already printed piece and the nozzle) that you are changing the extrusion width. This can fix the issue, but should NOT be a 1st choice.
Q: What Do I need to change to make SFACT work on my specific printer?
In SFACT Settings need to be customized only according to your nozzle size (under INSET set nozzle diameter - 0.5mm by default) and filament diameter (under DIMENSION set filament diameter - 2.8mm by default).
The nozzle diameter dictates also your setings in CARVE: it would be very wrong to expect an orifice of 0.5mm diameter to put out extrusion of 0.5x1mm. That would be more than twice the amount it is capable to extrude.
A good rule of thumb is to set layer height slightly lower than the nozzle diameter and extrusion width a bit above the nozzle diameter. ( LayerHeight + ExtrusionWidth = slight bit more than 2xNozzleDiameter)
Limitations on speed are only set by the capability of your extruders heater, slippage of the filament, mechanical friction/binding etc., and weight of moving parts (acceleration needs to be set slower resulting in lower topspeeds..)
Q: What does COOL do?
Cool will slow down your speed to allow the layer to cool before you move to the next layer.
In cool you define a minimum layer duration and a minimum feedrate.. (It wont go slower than that as otherwise it will also spoil your print.)
Q: Why do I need to calibrate in SFACT. Doesnt calibrating E-steps in FW do that already?
In theory yes. If you are 100% sure that you have set the E-steps right you could skip SFACT Calibration.
On the other hand, calibrating the E-steps in Firmware is only one step beyond calculating your E-steps based on Motor step angle, microstepping ratio and gearing. Whereas the SFACT calibration allows you to calibrate besed on actual extruded material, compensating for all possible errors inbetween.
Q: What the hell is SKIN?
When SKIN is enabled SFACT will slice your model regularly with a layer thickness as is set in CARVE.
Then it will split your perimeter extrusion into 4. (e.g, a 0.4x0.6 extrusion will become 2x0.2x0.3 extrusions stacked onto each other.
This will NOT improve resolution but it will effect your finish as instead of having 0.2mm (half layer height) ridges you will have 0.2mm (quarter layer height) ridges.
Possible problems:
If your layer height and extrusion width is already low, trying to extrude 1/4th of the previous cross-section will probably result in very inconsistent flow.
Another problem is the decimals. You might find that the output code does not increase as the increment is so little that it gets lost during rounding.
The situation is even worse with relative E-steps.
Q: Why are the width setting in SFACT absolute and not a ratio as in SF?
A: The reason the width settings in SF are ratios to the layer height is to decrease the amount of settings that you need to adjust when you change layer height, In SFACT these settings are already interconnected (in the background). So you can set height and width of extrusion freely.
Q: Can I set width and height of extrusion at will or are there any guidelines?
Regarding the calculation and the generated G-code the answer is yes. BUT the real world has limitations:
Your hot-end has a limit. It is imposed by the nozzle diameter, shape and internal details, as well as the capacity of your heater/heating system and how good it can transfer the heat to the filament. An upper as well as a lower limit.
If you go below the lower limit, you will have inconsistent extrusion. (Just imagine a water hose that fows only little water. The flow will wander and be inconsistent.) This effect becomes worse when your filament has soaked up humidity as it will create steam pockets that will cause small jets of filament during print.
If you go higher than the limit you will have lots of pressure in the nozzle.
This can cause excessive stringing as plastic will still flow when the extruder motor stops, as it will try to get the pressure down. Retraction helps here a bit but it will never release the pressure instantly. This is the best case...
If all parts of your Extruder are sound and the extruder just cant handle that much flow, you will strip filament. Stripped filament can cause less grip, and therefore even more stripping. It also could cause inconsistent flow if the teeth are partly jammed with plastic as it will alter the "hob diameter".
Worst case You could have leaks in your hotend. In such a case try to disassemble the hot-end before letting it cool, otherwise it might become impossible to seperate the parts.
UTMOST CARE IS NEEDED AS YOU WILL BURN YOURSELF. (Not otherwise but be prepared to have burns..) I am using Latex covered textile working gloves when working with the hot parts of my printer.
Plastic parts might have become soft, try to reinstate their original shape/state before they cool down.
Filament gets to a rubbery state at some temperature (PLA about 120-130c) Thats the best time to clean it off. (with some experience you can take off the whole contents of the nozzle in one piece)
I found that it is a good value to have the layer height the same or slightly less than the nozzle diameter.
The width of extrusion should be chosen so that you stick to the formula: Layer height + Extrusion Width is slightly bigger (110-125%) than double the nozzle diameter
Q: What exactly does the Infill Extra Spacing in FILL do?
The main indicator for wrong settings here is too sparse or too thick top layer.
If this happens you probably have wrong calibaration (as in your extrusion is not coming out the same as the setting in Carve.)
It is the setting that adjusts the spacing of the parallel or concentric extrusion lines (Top and bottom fill, regular line fill and extra perimeters).
A similar setting is also in Inset. That one only will affect bridge layers.
Q: What are bridge/bridge layers?
Bridge layers are layers that have areas that have no material underneath.
These can be extreme overhangs.
Bridges that span between two filled areas.
SFACT will try to print these areas wit a 100%fill and in the direction of the shortest distance of the bridge.
You can set the feed/flowrate for bridges under SPEED. It is a relative setting that is calculated by multiplying the perimeter feed/flow values.
Settings under INSET let you adjust the spacing of these 100% fill lines and also the nozzle diameter setting is needed here to be able to calculate a "natural flow" for the nozzle.
The default settings will result in an extrusion that has obviously same layer height as the rest of the print, the extrusion width will be set to a value that I call "natural flow" or "native flow". That is the extrusion X-section is the same as the nozzle diameter X-section.
Q: Why is TEMPERATURE disabled by default.
The SFACT defaults are set the way that they provide failsafe defaults for beginners.
SFACT is as tuneable as SF.
Setting the temperatures in SFACT would cause the G-code that is generated to include Temperature codes.
They would be issued every time the print type changes. (You dont notice it but it happens more often than you think..)
Temperature settings are very different for every configuration. (plastic type, color, humidity, thermistor, thermistor placement, nozzle diameter, print speed, extrusion diameter)
A wrong setting is ver difficult to correct during print as it will try to go back to the G-Code settings every time the print type changes.
Instead of that we advise to set the temperature in the host program and adjust if necessary..
If you are really sure that you are able to choose correct temperatures go ahead and enable it..
Q: My alterations and start.gmc, end.gmc files are not working. What am I doing wrong?
A: You have to place them into the skeinforge_application\alterations folder. Unfortunately there are other folders with the name alterations around but this would be the correct one!
Q: What is the penultimate gcode file I am getting?
It is the G-code file that SFACT uses to carry data from plugin to plugin. It has lots of extra information inside.
At the start of the file there are most of your settings.
Each section is marked whether it is fill, loop, perimeter etc.
You can reopen a penultimate file with skeinforge to have a preview in SKEINLAYER or SKEINISO
It is a great source of information if you need help.
Q: Why are there now two dimension plugins (DIMENSION and OLDDIMENSION)?
DIMENSION Plugin has a new method to calculate Retraction. It calculates the duration of the upcoming travel move and retracts accordingly.
OLDDIMENSION is the OLD-DIMENSION Plugin. It behaves the way You probably are used to.
Q: What happened to the old retraction settings? What the hell is oozerate?
The old retraction is still available under the OLDDIMENSION tab.
The current DIMENSION calculates retraction differently.
It assumes that you are having either a drippy or very tight nozzle that oozes not at all... (Or anything inbetween).
The oozerate is what you are estimateing when you extrude filament and then stop, it is about the amount of filament that oozes from your nozzle in standby in one minute.(in mm)
SFACT will then calculate how long the travel move in retracted state will take and retract accordingly. So if the next move is very short it will hardly retract (You can boost this with the minimum value..) or if it is a long move it will make a big retraction.(the max value is there to avoid any mishaps if somehow you have a very slow travel move or similar, otherwise the filament will pop out of the extruder..)(thats only in daily version for now but dont use daily its broken..COOL messes up flowrate..)
Q: What is CLIP. What does it do?
A: CLIP adjusts the gap between the start and the end of the perimeter (outermost) extrusion. If there was no clip the halves of the extrusions would overlap, causing overfill at the join. Too much clip will cause open perimeters.