Motor Wire to Ramps Sanity Check
November 03, 2011 01:13PM

I'm getting ready to put the connectors on my Kysan stepper motors so I can connect them to my ramps and give them a test.

Seems like every motor brand and model has different wires and colors, so I'm just looking for a quick sanity check before I flip the switch and test these. Not sure if hooking them up incorrectly would cause any damage to the stepper drivers or not, so I figured I'd ask here first.

I have some Kysan motors with the following spec sheet and wiring diagram: spec sheet

Based on that, and some posts in the forum referencing other boards with similar 2B2A1A1B labels on the board I'm planning on wiring the connectors as follows:


From the other posts it seemed like I just needed to make sure I kept the pairs together and then if they were backwards I could just switch them in firmware right?

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Re: Motor Wire to Ramps Sanity Check
November 03, 2011 04:39PM
You could switch them in firmware, you could also switch them by switching 1 pair of wires. Spacexula mentioned it in one of his videos as the preferable option, although i'm not really sure why.

Just check that when you short 2A & 1A the motor becomes difficult to turn, i have 1 motor where the wiring is different than the spec sheet. Probably best not to connect it to the electronics yet when you do this though.

Good luck Evert
Re: Motor Wire to Ramps Sanity Check
November 03, 2011 10:54PM
Check out this page on the RepRap Wiki:

Connect the 4 coil wires to the controller in any pattern. If it doesn't work at first, you only need try these 2 swaps:

Arbitrary first wiring order
Switch end pair
Switch middle pair

You're finished when the motor turns smoothly in either direction. If the motor turns in the opposite direction from desired, reverse the wires so that ABCD would become DCBA.

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