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Prusa Mendel not printing

Posted by rakazaa 
Prusa Mendel not printing
January 06, 2013 04:38AM
Hey Guys, i just got my Prusa Mendel for 3dstuffmakers.com and after countless hours of building, setting up and calibrating my printer, i finally press the print button. But to my dismay i only get stuffs like

=> Exporting GCODE to C:\Users\Lahshah\Desktop\My Creations\Wighted companion\Weighted_Companion_Cube_export.gcode

Done. Process took 0 minutes and 6.556 seconds

Filament required: 1210.7mm (8.6cm3)

1209.6817 mm of filament used in this print

the print goes from 22.780000 mm to 57.210000 mm in X
and is 34.430000 mm wide

the print goes from 57.760000 mm to 92.230000 mm in Y
and is 34.470000 mm wide

the print goes from 0.400000 mm to 25.200000 mm in Z
and is 24.800000 mm high

Estimated duration (pessimistic):  63 layers, 00:23:23
Print Started at: 17:25:19
T:172.0 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:171.3 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:172.2 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:172.5 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:172.5 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:173.0 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:172.0 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:174.8 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:176.4 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:177.0 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:177.6 E:0 Wmoody smiley
T:177.6 E:0 Wmoody smiley

and nothing moves......

I am not sure what the problem is.. so i guess you guys can help me out.

I am using a Pronterface with the recommended settings as per their config.

I can jog the steppers without any problem .. its just that when i press print, it does not move...

Please enlighten me...
Re: Prusa Mendel not printing
January 06, 2013 06:39AM
Looks ok, you have to wait for the hot end to heat up.
Re: Prusa Mendel not printing
January 11, 2013 09:45PM
You are probably using Slic3r for your G-Code. It does this thing where it waits for temperature to reach a certain level before allowing the printer to begin. If some settings on your printer are not set properly (I am referring to the PID control), the printer will never meet the criteria for starting. This is actually a good thing, because if your printer hast trouble maintaining a steady temperature, then you won't get good prints.

You can try Skeinforge, or remove the wait command, if you are sure the temperature is all good.
Re: Prusa Mendel not printing
January 11, 2013 11:43PM
It looks like your printer thinks it has a heated bed when it doesn't. Make sure you've configured your firmware to know it doesn't have a heated bed and then double check that your slicer program isn't trying to heat up a heated bed that isn't there as it will just wait forever and do nothing. If all is right your printer should home itself then wait for the hot end to heat up and start printing.
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