uploading firmware and flashing lights
January 19, 2013 12:34PM

I have just run into a problem, possibly of my own making. I have installed Printrun and Teacup firmware on ubuntu and connected it to my Arduino mega. I have only 5v connected at the moment, and just one motor - I just want to see something move, to inspire me to continue with this project!

I uploaded teacup with the Arduino IDE, no problem. Pronterface connected, but I could figure out how to move a motor. So I though I would try a test- this one

I uploaded it from the IDE and nothing happened to my motor. Disappointing! Now, I have flashing red lights (LED 3 and 4) and a flashing green light (LED 1), and pronterface is disconnected. Reconnecting doesn't work. I try to upload the teacupfirmware again, but when I load it into the Arduino IDE, I get several exceptions related to awt.GTKFileDialogPeer, and the IDE hangs (I have to kill it from system monitor each time).

So something is screwed up. I have tried resetting the Arduino via the button, the power and removing the usb. Nothing helps. When the USB is plugged back in the green LED starts blinking again, when the 5v is plugged in the red LEDs start blinking. Pronterface still wont connect.

It seemed to work once! Why wont it work now?
I just want to see a motor move sad smiley
Re: uploading firmware and flashing lights
January 19, 2013 01:09PM
How do you expect to power your motor without 12v hooked up.
Re: uploading firmware and flashing lights
January 19, 2013 01:36PM
Sorry, I am getting confused confused smiley I meant 12A, for the heated bed, is not yet connected.
Re: uploading firmware and flashing lights
January 19, 2013 06:12PM
The test code should move the motor(s) without the 11A rail connected, but you need 12V connected to the 5A rail.

Are your motors prewired?
Have you checked that they are wired correctly?
Most reprap motors have four wires in two pairs, one pair per coil. It's fairly easy to find which wires are paired with an ohmmeter. If you have the correct pairs, it could be that one of the pairs polarity is reversed, try flipping one of them.
If you have more than four wires you need to check the wiring diagram for your motor.

About the flashing, I couldn't say without digging a bit, but there shouldn't be a problem flashing because of the test software.
Try a different Arduino IDE version maybe? Or different baudrate maybe.
I've never had problems with later versions myself, but I've heard people saying that older versions were more stable. Or maybe try another firmware, Marlin for example.

Re: uploading firmware and flashing lights
January 20, 2013 08:49AM
PS, also check that you have the correct arduino board selected in the "tools" menu.
Re: uploading firmware and flashing lights
January 20, 2013 10:04AM
Have you tried rebooting the computer?

It's always possible your USB controller is kind-of "locked up"
Re: uploading firmware and flashing lights
January 20, 2013 05:23PM

Thanks for all the comments. I have checked the board, and the baud rate - no problems, and I have rebooted smiling smiley

I was using the latest Arduino IDE, so i tried installing 0023 - no luck, it doesn't want to work. So I went back and tried the Marlin Firmware, still using Pronterface.

The upload works! Happy days. But now I have no flashing lights at all, and Pronterface still won't work. I get a "attempted to write invalid text to console" error now. I will keep digging, and try something else tomorrow.
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