Just finding it a little difacult to get my head around the software needed, have a sainsmart mega 2560 and a4988 wired to motors for test but the software is frustrating me cant seem to find what I need ( I´m sure it´s not so diffacalt when you do it once)
Re: Help, software dont´t know where to look, any tutorials you know of stp by step?:¬)
October 30, 2013 09:19PM
You need Arduino software for uploading the firmware.
You need Firmware e.g Sprinter for your Arduino board.
You need Host software e.g. Pronterface and...
A slicer program when you're ready to print.

Start here...
[github.com] (download as zip)

Waitaki 3D Printer
Re: Help, software dont´t know where to look, any tutorials you know of stp by step?:¬)
October 30, 2013 09:26PM
Gee... that looks a bit like the reply I made to the duplicate thread started by the same guy in another area on the forum.

Which thread do you want us to reply to? Replying to both is not the best way to do this.
Maybe someone should report one or the other topic so the mods close it...
Thanks for the help I can begin more relaxed now smiling smiley
You don't need pronterface, or marlin, or any of that stuff to learn about the stepper driver boards....

There are tutorials out there for running the A4988 from your arduino mega. That is how I first played with/ learned about the drivers.
[www.lucadentella.it] is where I learned from. It is in english and italian.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2013 11:56PM by jeffegg2.
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