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heated bed and ABS

Posted by UkIan 
heated bed and ABS
October 15, 2014 05:45PM
I'm currently keeping the heated bed on for the duration of the print. I've read you can turn it off, or turn it down after the first few layers.

Does anyone have practical experience of this? Any tips?

Re: heated bed and ABS
October 15, 2014 05:59PM
Within Cura there is a plugin that I use, within Slic3r there is the option to set the bed temperature for the first layer and for the rest of the print. In Slic3r in the same page, there is the option to set the hotend temp for first layer and adjacent ones.

With ABS, I used to print the first layer hotter than the other ones and have the heated bed a bit hotter for better adhesion to the Kapton tape.

Nowadays I only print with PLA, first layer bed temp: 60º and the rest on 50º. This works perfect and I have great adhesion.

Re: heated bed and ABS
October 15, 2014 07:18PM
Pla is really well behaved, but i need abs for some parts at the moment so I'm printing with it for the first time. It's going really well, I get fantastic prints, but I do leave the bed on.

I might experiment tomorrow, I just hate wasting my currently limited print time :/
Re: heated bed and ABS
October 15, 2014 11:45PM
110 all the time. Don't turned off. You might experiment with lowering it a bit, but may risk delamination. I keep it not only at 110, but also add a 200 watts bulb close to the part I'm printing, I had never suffered from warping or delamination. My 2 cents.
Re: heated bed and ABS
October 16, 2014 06:08PM
The bulb idea is quite neat, I might think about that. Clever idea.
Re: heated bed and ABS
October 16, 2014 08:55PM
If you stay at 110C for the whole print, you will get in-curved vertical walls. Set it forget it temp of 80C for the whole print with hairspray, or first layer at 110 then drop it to 80 for the rest of the print.

If you are printing tall prints, an enclosed chamber for your printer is your best bet to avoid delamination.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/16/2014 08:56PM by Dirty Steve.
Re: heated bed and ABS
October 17, 2014 03:32AM
I'm planning a cabinet for printer v2. It's going to be a fairly sturdy cube so I can store things on top, but I did have an eye to abs when I was thinking about it. I'll experiment dropping to 80 tonight. I had no time yesterday.
Re: heated bed and ABS
October 17, 2014 12:38PM
See attached picture, 110 all the time with 200 watts bulb.
open | download - IMG_2014101754356.jpg (37.3 KB)
Re: heated bed and ABS
October 17, 2014 03:41PM
Nice print smiling smiley
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