Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 23, 2014 12:42AM
If your printer ever breaks, and you just need part or two to get up running, is there a cost effective way to get it? (assuming you don't know anybody else with a printer)

I've searched around and seen full kits for sale, and I've seen a few specialty companies like shapeways, but heard they are very expensive. Anyone have advice on the cheapest way to find a single custom part?
Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 23, 2014 02:08AM
Simply ask on this forum.
Or contact an ebay seller.

People in general are nice.
Its the small percantage of bad people that makes any task seem harder than it needs to be.

Ask and you shall recieve.
Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 23, 2014 02:11AM
where abouts are you located?

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Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 23, 2014 07:52AM
For most of the printed parts in a 3d printer, you can hack something "bad but working" out of wood, duct tape, hot glue, metal wire etc.

You only need to get your printer working long enough to print the real parts you need after all.

Most of my technical comments should be correct, but is THIS one ?
Anyway, as a rule of thumb, always double check what people write.
Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 23, 2014 10:13AM
Look over 3d hubs in your area, it won't be free, it won't be cheap, but a lot cheaper than shapeways.
Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 23, 2014 09:02PM
where did you get your first parts from? can they print a replacement? or are you meaning as a one off print for someone that does not have a printer?
there is a wanted forum where you can post what you want and see if someone can do it.
or there is a forum for designing a one off as well.


the cost of a one of print will vary a lot depending on what you want and who is doing it
Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 24, 2014 04:34PM
Thanks for the replies.

As far as my location, I'm near seattle.

It sounds like asking in the wanted forums is the way to go, so I will keep that in mind.

I'm just building my first printer, I don't "think" I need parts right at this moment, but wanted to be prepared if I do. Since I couldn't find a parts kit for the model I'm building, I ended up getting a parts kit off ebay for a slightly different model. I think I'll get them to work, I just have a feeling, knowing how surprises always come up, I'd very likely come into the need for an unforseen part before I'm finished, so wanted to be prepared.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 24, 2014 09:12PM
Once you get your printer up and running, it's a good idea and practice to print a second set of the printed parts for your printer. That way if one fails you will have a spare.
Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 27, 2014 12:24PM
If one does not have the patience to print a complete set of parts, any thoughts on which to print first.
In other words which parts are most likely to break?
Re: Most cost effective way to get single parts?
October 27, 2014 03:08PM
It depends a bit on how your bot is configured, and what material the parts are made of.

If your parts are PLA I'd highly recommend you print any parts that are exposed to heat first, and print them in ABS if you can.
I learnt the hard way that PLA is not the ideal material for an X-carriage and extruder on a non-bowden cartesian bot.

Other than those I personally haven't had any parts fail yet.
If heat deforming is not an issue, then I'd go for the most intricate parts first, the stuff that is hardest to reproduce or impovise without a working printer.
Gears and other precision parts for instance. I'd probably still go for a complete extruder, they can be a real pain when they're not working right.

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