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Extruder too small?

Posted by 3d starter 
Extruder too small?
November 04, 2014 06:11PM
I recently bought an extruder off ebay because it was cheap (http://www.ebay.com/itm/0-4mm-Nozzle-MK7-Mod-Extruder-Print-Head-for-3D-Printer-Makerbot-Mendel-RepRap-/331323594963?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d246cd8d3) A problem I realized I would run into is that the extruder is too small to go through my x- carriage and touch the print bed because of the location of the bearings. I was wondering if that would be a problem and is there any solution or would I have to get a new extruder?
Re: Extruder too small?
November 04, 2014 11:00PM
What printer? I was using a bulldog lite on my prusa i3 until recently, which looks a little like that. I strapped it to my X carriage with some fat cable ties as it was a temporary solution. Worked perfectly.

I'm using a completely custom X carriage now I designed and printed on the strapped on version. It's pretty simple, you just want a solid fit.
Re: Extruder too small?
November 06, 2014 12:59PM
Using zip tie is a good temporary fix.

I would recommend you get another extruder.
Making sure all the axes, extruder, print bed, and filament are critical in printing a great print.
It might save you some time and unnecessary troubles.

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