Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 16, 2015 11:52PM
Hello, so i have been fighting with my Prusa I3 and upon a few other bed leveling issues, every time i try to print a test cube, at 235 since im using ABS, as soon as it starts to print the damn thing drops to 200 and starts printing, i have checked my Marlin, it seems ok, i checked slicer it seems ok, i have even tried taking away temp controls so that they stay at what i set them at but it keeps dropping to 200 as soon as the print starts. any ideas?
Re: Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 17, 2015 12:23AM
If you hit Save on the Filament Settings page it reverts to the previously-set temperatures, right? I had that problem and I don't remember what I did to fix it. I have been upgrading to the latest Slic3r as it's released. Until you figure it out you can open the output G-code with a text editor and change the M104 and M109 commands.
Re: Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 17, 2015 01:13AM
there are no M104 or M109 commands in my G code
Re: Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 17, 2015 02:37AM
Need more details..
If you're using Proterface for instance it will tell you what the temp/target temp is, like 229/230 for the extruder. What does it (or your lcd) say when you start printing?
Also, did you do a PID AutoTune? For instance: M303 E0 S230

My printer: Raptosaur - Large Format Delta - [www.paulwanamaker.wordpress.com]
Can you answer questions about Calibration, Printing issues, Mechanics? Write it up and improve the Wiki!
Re: Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 17, 2015 12:11PM
there are no M104 or M109 commands in my G code
That sounds quite strange, not even in the start g-code?
It has to set the temp somewhere, or it would just use whatever temperature you have preset before you started the print (which isn't impossible, but not how most people print).
By your description, it sure sounds like you have "m109 s200" (or similar) in the start g-code. Could also be PID as mentioned previously. Other than that, slicer issues, thermal contact issues or electrical issues could be it, but it doesn't really sound like one of them.

Re: Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 17, 2015 01:00PM
Does the firmware/eeprom configuration have a maximum temp defined?
Re: Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 17, 2015 05:56PM
i have increased my max temps, no change, i dont have M109 code, only a M190 code which tells the bed to go to 110

G21 ; set units to millimeters
M190 S110 ; wait for bed temperature to be reached
G28 ; home all axes
G1 Z10 F5000 ; lift nozzle
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G92 E0
M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion
G1 F1800.000 E-1.00000
G92 E0
G1 Z0.400 F7800.000
G1 X85.250 Y80.250 F7800.000

no i didnt do a PID auto tune (dont know how) but ill go through my PID stuff and see if it is set in there
no LCD

my start G code
G28 ; home all axes
G1 Z10 F5000 ; lift nozzle

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2015 06:06PM by RPearce.
Re: Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 17, 2015 07:08PM
so during the cube test my printer started in the middle and made its way all the way to the front side...
Re: Heat set 235, Print drops to 200 HELP!!
February 20, 2015 01:12PM
Stepper current is too low. The controller expects that every step of the motor is sucessfully performed. Also, look through other settings. Sometimes there are redundant settings.
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