Thats right.
You can start adjusting them
without power on by setting the
centerpoint of the potmeter (50%)
Look closely to the potmeter, they have three legs. Two on one side, one on the opposite.
The turning part has a flat side.
Now turn the potmeter until the flat side is parallel to the two legs side.
This is the centerpoint.
Now turn the potmeter 30°- 45° to the left and you are in the ballpark.
Next step is to power on the ramps and measure the voltage between GND and the third leg ( or at the probe, if the heatsink doesn´t cover it )
It should be between 0.35 and 0.55 V ( or whatever the manual says)
Caution, some A4988 use shunt resistors with different values.
[R100] is standard.
Good luck