Negative vibes
May 26, 2015 05:48AM
When I first started using this forum I had little knowledge of 3D printing but now I have a wealth of experience and perhaps a little true knowledge. Most of the most important things I learned were from Nophead, Richrap and many others who would take the trouble to explain things.

When I look on this forum now, much of what I see is bombastic and opinionated. There are some gems of wisdom in some replies, but it takes a lot of searching to find them in the general detritus.

Some examples - rephrased to protect those who were only being temporarily bombastically opinionated:-

  • "There is no reason for anybody to use anything other than 'X' to stick their prints to the build stage, it works every time for me and must work every time for everybody"
  • "We are forever seeing people trying to make better 3D printers but almost nobody succeeds. Just make/buy a 'Y' printer and be happy."
  • "There is no reason for anybody to use anything other than 'X' to stick their prints to the build stage, it works every time for me and must work every time for everybody"
  • "We are forever seeing people trying to make better 3D printers but almost nobody succeeds. Just make/buy a 'Y' printer and be happy."
A background chorus of
  • "make it lighter/heavier, print it hotter/colder, use a more expensive/cheaper controller, jerk/speed/acceleration is all you need to worry about, etc.."
    And of course,
  • "It won't work."

All of which are given with little or no detail or information to justify the opinion.

Please people, give your opinion, but give supporting info and a ccept that your milage may well vary from others - some genuinely do see the dress as white with gold trim.

Re: Negative vibes
May 26, 2015 07:01AM
Hangover? grinning smiley

I´m a newbie, and I´m pretty happy with the support I received here. Although some guys seem to be biased a bit to "sell" their own stuff.
Re: Negative vibes
May 26, 2015 07:29AM
To the OP - very true words. As much as we all want everything to be cookie cutter setup and run, every kit / build / owner is a one off and has to be treated as such. There may be generic solutions available for every problem but they have to be considered a starting point. I myself am relatively new to 3D printing but I have years of industrial automation experience behind me to draw on. To be honest, the hardest part here is knowing what questions to ask and hoping that you get an answer back that is useful in solving the issue at hand. You are correct - YMMV so applies. AFAIC, "impossible" is a statement of difficulty, not that it can't be done.
Re: Negative vibes
May 26, 2015 08:53AM
When I look on this forum now, much of what I see is bombastic and opinionated. There are some gems of wisdom in some replies, but it takes a lot of searching to find them in the general detritus.

That's actually great news. Reprap finally has been accepted as mainstream and now is just like every other user group out there! Almost every forum or online group I've ever visited has useful information, but you often need to weed through the opinionated and bombastic comments.
Re: Negative vibes
May 26, 2015 10:05AM
When I look on this forum now, much of what I see is bombastic and opinionated. There are some gems of wisdom in some replies, but it takes a lot of searching to find them in the general detritus.

That's actually great news. Reprap finally has been accepted as mainstream and now is just like every other user group out there! Almost every forum or online group I've ever visited has useful information, but you often need to weed through the opinionated and bombastic comments.

A good point, but one that makes me sad that so very few people try to be rigorous with their understanding of their own subject. I just came across this on


Richard Horton writes in that a recent symposium on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research discussed one of the most sensitive issues in science today: the idea that something has gone fundamentally wrong with science (PDF), one of our greatest human creations. The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. According to Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, a United Kingdom-based medical journal, the apparent endemicity of bad research behavior is alarming. In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world or retrofit hypotheses to fit their data.

Still, if our little community has the same level of fallibility as the medical science community I guess that is something to be proud of. (no suitable smiley found)

Re: Negative vibes
May 26, 2015 10:51AM
It goes hand in hand with posting before searching. People with the answers tire of repetitive questions from first time posters. Just dont show up at the party loaded with the same question that has been asked dozens of times without putting forth some effort on your own part.
Re: Negative vibes
May 26, 2015 11:55AM
Some people will post without searching, some after searching but failing to find, others after searching but failing to understand, but presenting an opinion as fact with nothing to back up the opinion helps neither new users nor anybody else. This is especially true when there are as many opinions as long time users.
Re: Negative vibes
May 26, 2015 01:20PM
My Forum-Fu has grown over the years, and I'm pretty adept at ignoring trolls and jibber-jabber. Some folks are Very opinionated, and after you read a few of their posts you can pick them out easily. I kinda grade on a curve when it comes to internet data. Throw out the highs and lows and try to make sense of what lies between.
Re: Negative vibes
May 27, 2015 11:09AM
First of all im not really active around this forum but I am in a couple of other 3d printing fora

But what you are describing is a natural thing, in the beginning ppl like nophead and Richrap were king in the world of reprap. they where power users and had a lot of knowledge and experience (and still offcourse). The followers of the forums in that day were enthousiast and technicians and ppl interested in 3d printing. They had the hunger for knowledge not only to get their printer running but also in all the other stuff needed. In those days (couple of years back) we needed to do anything ourselves or a lot more. so you had to know a lot about everything and that needed to have a certain competence and thinking level.

Now 3d printing is almost ready for the masses, things get sold about all around the world, lot of different motherboards different extruders etc. Also a lot of people write about it about what they have learned (right or wrong) good information is blocked by the wildgrouth of all other stuff. New users have a lower level of knowledge when they get in because it is not needed anymore (I needed to research a lot of stuff before buying all the parts I needed) now they buy it from ebay or whatever and it arrives at home and they expect it to be running. So you get questions that are repetitive. First google hit gives this forum, most of them don't use the search function or do not even google and submit there question. A lot of those older knowledge kings are fed up with answering the same questions and get annoyed. They had to researched all that stuff themselves and hoped that ppl try it themselves and after that when its not working after 1000 times trying then come asking.

simple questions like "I push this button but it doesn't work" Replyed with "have you checked the x and y endstop settings" are replyed with : "What?"

This situation gets solved on the moment that A information is more centralized or B 3d printing will get more ready for consumers
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