Trying to find the best tool for my use.
December 09, 2015 05:07PM
I have an Ultibots v-slot mini Kossel that I built a few years ago. It prints great, but it's not really great for my usage. 90% of my prints are prototype electronics faceplates. They are always 128.5mm by whatever width and only 3mm thick. The other 10% are knobs, button covers, and organizational knickknacks.

The circular build platform does not really lend itself to my rectangular front panels. The Kossel is also very tall, and does not pack well. I tend to travel with the machine regularly.
Because of this I have been planning to build a Cartesian machine. After doing some more research, I'm starting to think a diode laser cutter might be better for my usage. Jtech photonics says their 2.8w will cut through 3mm acrylic which would be perfect.

What do you guys think is a better machine for my usage? A 150x150x80 Cartesian printer, or a 150x150 cnc laser?
Can anyone suggest a build that would allow me to maximize the reuse of parts from my Kossel?
Re: Trying to find the best tool for my use.
December 09, 2015 05:57PM
I have both a Cartesian printer and a Kossel. The Cartesian printer is less portable than the Kossel because of its less rigid frame and its moving bed. It also takes up more desk space because of the moving bed.

I can't really comment on the laser cutter idea, although 2.8W sounds a very low power to me for cutting acrylic. If the Mini Kossel doesn't give you enough build area, you could do what I originally did with mine: fit longer horizontals, a larger bed, and longer arms - and accept the reduction in maximum build height.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
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