Reachout aka "Evangelism"
October 12, 2010 07:23AM
I looked in the forums if I'd find items named Reachout or Evangelism, but didn't find any.
So I created this [] wiki page and uploaded the material I recently used in a public LUG event, and started this very thread to make this facet of RepRap evolution-distribution better known and create rallying points for collaboration.

Upload your posters, texts, flyers, howtos and other spread-the-idea stuff to the wiki, too!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2010 05:41AM by peer.
Re: Reachout aka "Evangelism"
October 12, 2010 11:42AM
Great idea!

Along the same lines, I was thinking about some sort of sticker, like a PC case badge, that could be "sold" in exchange for a donation to Putting the sticker on your reprap would make it officially a reprap. best place would probably be on a Z baseplate, or make a dedicated sticker plate RP part.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2010 11:42AM by Buback.
Re: Reachout aka "Evangelism"
October 13, 2010 05:50AM
> Putting the sticker on your reprap would make it officially a reprap.

What does that mean? Putting a sticker on something makes it what the sticker says? Would be wonderful if that worked...
No, a reprap is a reprap because it's a replicating rapid-prototyper, and no sticker makes anything a reprap if it doesn't match these criteria.

But this doesn't mean I'd be against making stickers and badges and putting them on your reprap or your chest. (After all, we're kind of repraps too: replicating and producing stuff all the time with our tool(hand)s.)

The teardrop already looks like a logo.
For a circular badge, one might want to put the Rep Rap word parts (as one or two words) inside, for space and design reasons. And maybe write "Replicating Rapdi-Prototyper" all around the circumference.

I think it's more important to create stuff which explains what it is, how to get there, where people meet, etc. The logo in itself doesn't mean anything to somebody who doesn't already know what's it about, it only has a "ah, another one of these" value.
Re: Reachout aka "Evangelism"
October 13, 2010 06:20AM
Like this:

Re: Reachout aka "Evangelism"
October 13, 2010 10:46AM
peer Wrote:
> What does that mean? Putting a sticker on
> something makes it what the sticker says? Would be
> wonderful if that worked...
> No, a reprap is a reprap because it's a
> replicating rapid-prototyper, and no sticker makes
> anything a reprap if it doesn't match these
> criteria.

I said official but I should have said "official"

No the intent is to get reprapers to give $1 to the project, not to identify "official" repraps. You could slap the sticker on your forehead if you wanted.

Where ever you put it, it shows support for the project, like the firefox logo on t-shirts. I just though the printer would be a logical place.

It would be like the "Intel Inside" stickers; the computer has an intel inside whether the sticker is there or not... unless it's an AMD, of course.

Edit: PS Nice! needs the, though.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2010 01:16PM by Buback.
Re: Reachout aka "Evangelism"
October 13, 2010 11:03AM
peer Wrote:
> Like this:
> []
> o.jpg

Cool, upload that to thingiverse so there's a decentralized source of supply ;-)

After all, isn't that the Reprap way?

My blog's Reprap feed: []
I'm currently working on a stock Mendel build with a Seeeduino Mega and four Pololu A4983 stepper controllers.
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