Target Extruder temp and actual tempo exchanged
February 15, 2017 05:48AM
Hi there,
I'm new to the 3D printing world.
I've just finished my RepRap i3 Rework and I'm now trying to begin printing. While I was calibrating and checking everything, I noticed that in Pronterface there's an error in the temperatures graph when I connect the printer. As I set the temps for the heatbed and the extruder, the "target ex0" line lies on the 0 level, while the "ex0" one is set to about 215 Celsius. So I kinda think that the two are exchanging their tracking, let's say. I recognized that this could be a problem when I'll start printing because it could avoid the "cold extrusion prevented" functionality.
I checked in the firmware (Marlin, by the way) and I don't think it is its fault, but please tell me how to be sure. Anyway, I don't know how to fix this, could you help me please?
Thanks a lot!
Re: Target Extruder temp and actual tempo exchanged
February 15, 2017 02:48PM
target will show 0 until you turn a heater on. The high value for the actual temp indicates either a configuration error for the thermistor type, or a physical problem with the thermistor (a partial short circuit will produce erroneously high readings).
Re: Target Extruder temp and actual tempo exchanged
February 15, 2017 03:10PM
Hello again!
So: I was checking to be sure before answering and... confused smiley Well, I remembered that after setting the target temperature for the extruder, the two lines were exchanging their tracking (ex0->target and targetEx0->actual temp) but... As you said, it turns out I was wrong! I don't know how it can be, but apparently I was remembering so wrong. eye popping smiley

Anyway, a part from this.. Yes, it's how you said: it's the Ex0 temp line that is showing about 215 celsius when I connect the printer.
I'll search some information and try to fix it, but just in case you (or someone else, I guess) will be faster: do you have any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!
And... Yeah: I'm kinda sorry of my silly thread! spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Well then! My shame never ends, I guess eye rolling smiley I didn't notice that I had wired the extruder thermistor in the wrong place! Forget about me XD
Thanks again!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2017 04:23PM by slim71.
Re: Target Extruder temp and actual tempo exchanged
February 16, 2017 07:16AM
We all make mistakes. Some times their to simple for us to see.
Congratulations on fixing it yourself.
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