Geeetech 301 Firmware and leveling Porblems
November 20, 2017 06:03AM
Guten Tag,
Dies ist mein erster Post in diesem Forum, sollte ich was vergessen haben, sagt es mir bitte.

Ich habe seit fast einem Jahr einen Geeetech 301, an diesem betreibe ich ein E3D Hotend und nicht das mitgelieferte Diamond Hotend. Mein erstes Problem befasst sich mit der Standard Firmware von Geeetech, da ich letztens eine neuere Firmware auf den Drucker gespielt habe und das Hotend jetzt beim nach unten fahren, an den äußeren kanten niedriger ist als in der Mitte,wenn ich ihn also von rechts nach links Fahre, dann bewegt er sich in einer leichten Kurve mach oben. Falls jemand eine Lösung weiß oder ob ich das in den Einstellungen des Druckers beheben kann, oder ich mir eine andere Firmware suchen sollte. Damit kommen wir auch zum zweiten Problem, meine eigentliche Überlegung war, das ich Marlin nutze, da ich aber keine Version für das Board gefunden habe und auch nicht weiß wie man die Marlin Firmware für 32 bit Prozessoren umschreibt.Auf dem Drucker ist ein GTM32 Pro board verbaut, Geeetech liefert leider nur fertig kompilierte .bin Dateien. Ich hätte sonst gedacht das man in der Firmware, etwas umstellen könnte. Falls jemand eine Idee hat oder einen Link, wo ich eine schon veränderte Firmware finde oder eine Idee wie man diese Probleme lösen könnte, würde ich diese danken entgegen nehmen.



This is my first post.
One Question, should i post all in english ?

I have a Geeetech 301 with an E3D hotend and not with the Diamond Hotend. My Problem is, the hotand is at the ouside of the printbed lower, than in the middle. And the other Problem is, that i don´t find a Marlin version for the GTM32 Pro 32bit board. This is the board on the printer or a Version of Marlin, that is ready for the Geeetech 301. My question is now, can someone tell me, is that a seetings thing in the Printer settings or is this a Firmware Problem. One more Problem with Geeetech is, that they only release .bin and not the real source code.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2017 06:13AM by AKAgamer.
Re: Geeetech 301 Firmware and leveling Porblems
November 20, 2017 07:27AM
You are on an english Forum - so well might be good to post in english. winking smiley

There is a german section of RepRap too - I do not know how active people are there.

As far as I understand, you have a Delta Printer with a 32bit Board, with recently new firmware on the board.
Since the firmware-upgrade the Leveling is not correct anymore - your printbed is bowl-shaped relative to your hotend.
sounds to me like there was some calibration-data in EEPROM which got lost with your firmware-upgrade. You have to do re-calibration - specially the length of "delta_diagonal_rod" and related.

You should be able to do this using your Host-program (e.g. pronterface) and g-codes.
Re: Geeetech 301 Firmware and leveling Porblems
November 20, 2017 10:45AM
Thank you,
i found the settings in the pronterface from the printer.
And the other thing is, i have a delta printer with a 32 bit board, but iam interested in auto bed leveling, but i cannot modify the original firmware. Know iam searching for someone who has modified marlin or an other firmware for this printer.
did you know some other firmwares, like marlin ?

Sorry for the bad englishsmileys with beer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2017 10:46AM by AKAgamer.
Re: Geeetech 301 Firmware and leveling Porblems
November 20, 2017 05:43PM
What firmware does the board run at present - does the firmware announce itself, or identify itself when you send M115? Marlin isn't very common on 32-bit boards, because it is written to fit the constraints of 8-bit boards so it doesn't take full advantage of 32-bit boards. There are probably more 32-bit boards running RepRapFirmware or Smoothieware than there are running Marlin.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Geeetech 301 Firmware and leveling Porblems
November 27, 2017 05:46AM
I changed the "delta_diagonal_rod" settings and one question, is there an easy way to do that, or only trial and error ?

To the "M115", the printers says:
11:40:15.051 : N16 M115 *49
11:40:15.067 : FIRMWARE_NAME:V1.0.03 PROTOCOL_VERSION:V1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Rostock301 EXTRUDER_COUNT:3 UUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
11:40:15.067 : ok
11:40:15.067 : ok
11:40:15.067 : N17 M111 S6 *113
11:40:15.067 : N18 T1 *34
11:40:15.082 : ok
11:40:15.082 : ok

and the firmware is from the official Geeetech website.
I will search for some reprap firmware and smothieware, thanks for that.
Re: Geeetech 301 Firmware and leveling Porblems
November 27, 2017 06:54AM
I've done a little research and it seems that the GTM32 Pro 32bit board is based on an STM microcontroller. So you won't find RepRapFirmware (which runs on ATSAM processors) or Smoothieware (which runs on LPC processors) for it.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
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