... 11 years old Thread!!! - but maybe someone will find this helpfull anyway
While clearing some of my old stuff, I've found one of the old Gen3-boards, I've used as exchange-controller for my (even older) Isel-CNC-mill, to test it with 3D-printing and laser-engraving.
Essentially it's a controller-"blade", temporary replacing the original Isel-IFC5-controller card ... the stepper-signals and REF-pins are routed to the correct pins, the firmware on the Gen3 (Sanguino) is changed for the slower speeds/acceleration with the mill, and the software (don't remember exactly, if first version of Pronterface with laserengraver-option) is used for the alternative ... or simply switch back to the Isel-board, for milling with the Isel-software:
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