Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 20, 2017 04:08AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
// Definition of which pins we allow to be controlled using M42 // Spare pins on the Arduino Due are // // D5 / TIOA6 / C.25 // D6 / PWML7 / C.24 // ### Removed: now E0_AXIS endstop D39 / PWMH2 / C.7 // D58 / AD3 / A.6 // D59 / AD2 / A.4 // D66 / DAC0 / B.15 // D67 / DAC1 / B.16 // D68 / CANRX0 / A.1 // D69 / CANTX0 / A.0 // D70 / SDA1 / A.17 // D71 / SCL1 / A.18 // D72 / RX LED / C.30 // D73 / TX LED / A.21 // M42 and M208 commands now use logical pin numbers, not firmware pin numbers. // This is the mapping from logical pins 60+ to firmware pin numbers const Pin SpecialPinMap[] = { 5, 6, 58, 59, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 73 }; // This next definition defines the highest one. const int HighestLogicalPin = 60 + ARRAY_SIZE(SpecialPinMap) - 1; // highest logical pin number on this electronics
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 20, 2017 04:10AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 13,959 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 20, 2017 12:29PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
str(255 - matrice_BN[y][x+1]) ; original greyscale 1..255 str((255.0 - float(matrice_BN[y][x+1]))/255.0); scaled down to 0.0..1.0
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 20, 2017 12:38PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 20, 2017 01:00PM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 13,959 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 20, 2017 01:14PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 20, 2017 04:11PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 20, 2017 07:22PM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 13,959 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 21, 2017 04:14AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 21, 2017 07:31AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
; G21; Set units to millimeters G90; Use absolute coordinates G92; Coordinate Offset G0 F3000 G0 X11.7 Y6.0 M106 S3 G1 F1500 G1 X11.8 M106 S16 G1 X11.9 M106 S29 G1 X12.0 M106 S43 G1 X12.1 M106 S56 G1 X12.2 M106 S66 G1 X12.3 M106 S53 G1 X12.4 M106 S39 G1 X12.5 M106 S26 G1 X12.6 M106 S13 G1 X12.7 M107 G0 F3000 G0 X12.7 Y6.1 M106 S33 G1 F1500 G1 X12.6 M106 S67 G1 X12.5
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 21, 2017 02:49PM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 13,959 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 21, 2017 03:35PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
I know the DUET boards have a significant higher USB-speed than Due. I hope that this is also true for SD-Card?
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 22, 2017 03:45AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
So yes.
... my Due-based "high-speed" driver uses compressed "pixel-map" files on SD - so one Byte is either 8 BW-pixels in a line (with fixed spacing), or a 0-255 value for a single pixel in analogue mode.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 22, 2017 04:06AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 13,959 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 22, 2017 04:49AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 13,959 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 22, 2017 09:50AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 22, 2017 10:06AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
... another idea for a "simple raw" greyscale output with BW/pixel data only for greyscale images -- if you configure you system for super high pixel-resolution per line, so that the 8 pixels in a byte will represent a line in the image of let's say 0,05mm and with 0,1mm line spacing, then there's no need for analogue setting the laser power - the "analogue" byte value of a pixel will simply be pulsed in a hex "raster", and by overlapping the pulses (8x burning a spot of 0,1mm diameter over a line of 0,05mm length will burn a single hole with 0,15x0,1mm size) it will result in "averaged energy density" with the more darking/burning for higher byte vaues
But you have to convert the binary values to a corresponding bit-raster -- e.g. a Byte value 3 will pulse 2x, while 4 will pulse only 1x! - so set a table with bit values like:
1% = "00010000"
(10)% = "01000100"
(20)% = "01010010"
(30)%= "01010101"
100% = "11111111"
(the steps have to be calculated and distributed for homogene representation)
Then you have to convert the greyscale values to your table ...
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 22, 2017 11:48AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 13,959 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 22, 2017 12:00PM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 13,959 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 28, 2017 03:02PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
I found a bug in my rewritten png_2_gcode translator and eagerly started a test-engraving.
I also made the same print with Rumba/Marlin on the same printer/laser etc...
The left is Rumba/Marlin, the right is RADDS. An preview pic in the middle to compare the result.
[attachment 92198 triangle_comparison.jpg]
RRF is able to change PWM on the fly, but there is a certain delay in it. Marlin OTOH is spot on ( using M106 Sxxx)
All I did, was changing this python line in the png_2_gcode program.
str(255 - matrice_BN[y][x+1]) ; original greyscale 1..255 str((255.0 - float(matrice_BN[y][x+1]))/255.0); scaled down to 0.0..1.0
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware March 29, 2017 03:31AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
I found a bug in my rewritten png_2_gcode translator and eagerly started a test-engraving.
I also made the same print with Rumba/Marlin on the same printer/laser etc...
The left is Rumba/Marlin, the right is RADDS. An preview pic in the middle to compare the result.
[attachment 92198 triangle_comparison.jpg]
RRF is able to change PWM on the fly, but there is a certain delay in it. Marlin OTOH is spot on ( using M106 Sxxx)
All I did, was changing this python line in the png_2_gcode program.
str(255 - matrice_BN[y][x+1]) ; original greyscale 1..255 str((255.0 - float(matrice_BN[y][x+1]))/255.0); scaled down to 0.0..1.0
Please try with firmware 1.18RC1. That version includes the code to sync M106, M42 etc. with the move queue.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware April 19, 2017 11:50PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 40 |
M111 S0 ; Debug off M555 P2 ; Set output to look like Marlin ; Movement section M569 P0 S1 R1 ; Drive 0 goes forwards (change to S0 to reverse it) M569 P1 S1 R1 ; Drive 1 goes forwards ; Inverted enable M569 P2 S1 R1 ; Drive 2 goes forwards ; Inverted enable M569 P3 S1 R1 ; Drive 3 goes forwards ; Inverted enable M574 X1 Y1 Z1 S0 ; set endstop configuration (X and Y endstops only, at low end, active high) M201 X800 Y800 Z15 E1000 ; Accelerations (mm/s^2) M203 X10000 Y10000 Z600 E3600 ; Maximum speeds (mm/min) M566 X600 Y600 Z30 E20 ; Minimum speeds mm/minute M208 X300 Y300 Z380 ; set axis maxima (adjust to suit your machine) M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; set axis minimum (adjust to make X=0 and Y=0 the edge of the bed) M92 X160 Y160 Z800 ; Set axis steps/mm M92 E837 ; Set extruder steps per mm G21 ; Work in millimetres G90 ; Send absolute coordinates... M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves ; Heater and thermistor section M305 P1 R4700 H0 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the first nozzle thermistor ADC correction M301 H1 P10 I0.10 D100 T0.50 S1.0 ; PID settings for extruder 0 M570 S120 ; Increase to allow extra heating time if needed ; Tool definition section M563 P0 D0 H1 ; Define tool 0 to use extruder drive 0 and heater 1 G10 P0 S0 R0 ; Set tool 0 operating and standby temperatures ; Epilogue T0 ; select first hot end
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware April 20, 2017 03:07AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware April 20, 2017 03:53AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware April 20, 2017 11:04AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 40 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware May 19, 2017 10:27AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware May 19, 2017 11:45AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
// Use a PWM capable pin
const size_t NUM_FANS = 2;
const Pin COOLING_FAN_PINS[NUM_FANS] = { 9, 8 }; // Fan 0, Fan 1
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware July 11, 2017 01:14AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 39 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware July 12, 2017 01:43AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware July 12, 2017 04:52AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 39 |