Marlin-Development not accepting calibration values
April 02, 2015 12:45AM
When I run Marlin 1.0.2 I can change the axis step per unit values and they take effect after uploading but I can't get the z steppers to run and I have the voltage up to 1.33V on the pot. When I run Marlin-Development the stepper run smooth as butter already on 1.03V but the adjustment to the step per unit doesn't make any difference. I can put a value of 1 on each axis and it will run the same distance that it did before I changed. If I change the value to 120 per axis makes no difference either. I just can't calibrate my machine in Marlin-Development.

What I want to know is where is the 'switch' that turned the acceptance of the calibration values, in Marlin-Development, off. I would also like to know why in Development the z stepper run smooth and in 1.0.2 not at all but that is not as important as the acceptance of the value.
Re: Marlin-Development not accepting calibration values
April 02, 2015 06:36AM
Just my $0.02: check whether or not you have the EEPROM enabled and try clearing it.
Re: Marlin-Development not accepting calibration values
April 02, 2015 10:53AM
Clearing it as in disable it, with '//', in the configuration.h?
Re: Marlin-Development not accepting calibration values
April 02, 2015 01:21PM
I assume if it is disabled, the values won't matter, so clearing it won't help.

If EEPROM is enabled though, after connecting to your printer, send an m502 command to load the values hardcoded in your firmware. Then send an m500 command to save those values to the EEPROM.
Re: Marlin-Development not accepting calibration values
April 02, 2015 01:58PM
Yes, I had the eeprom enabled. I commented it out and now the changes in the configuration.h stick. Thanks to both of you for pointing me in the right direction. @Kurzaa, I'll try your tips later, after I have the machine calibrated properly, when I'll enable the eeprom again.
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