PLA Cooling Help - MendelMax 1.5
June 18, 2013 12:03AM
Hello Folks,

I'd like to ask some advice on cooling PLA while printing, specifically which fans to get and what mount(s) I should use. I'm currently using this mount with a 40mm fan (, but I'm not happy with it for the following reasons:

1. It results in uneven cooling (more in the front than the back). Note that I've cut the slits back around 1cm, but it didn't help a ton.
2. For my J-head setup, the bottom of the mount sits quite low, and runs into the binder clips holding the glass to my MK2 heated bed, which means i need to reduce my print area when using this mount.
3. Not the fault of the duct, but my 40mm fan seems pretty wimpy.

The problem is my prints just seem to not be getting enough cooling. I can visibly see the print head squashing down certain areas (corners, etc) for smaller objects, and I already have the print speed turned down to 20mm/s for small perimeters. Larger objects aren't that much of a problem until I crank up the print speed.

Can someone give some advice for better PLA cooling solutions for a MendelMax 1.5 with LM8UU carriage? Should I go with a 60mm or 80mm fan, or just a higher CFM 40mm fan? What about fans on the sides, mounted to the aluminum extrusions?

Thanks for any guidance!
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