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X-Axis installed backwards, does it really matter?

Posted by elgin.owens 
X-Axis installed backwards, does it really matter?
April 13, 2011 10:54PM
I just finished assembling my Mendel and realized that I had the X-Axis installed backwards. I can switch the opto-flag and opto-switch around to be on the same side. I don't see anything else that is going to be a problem. Can anyone else think of any reason why I should remove it and flip it around?
Re: X-Axis installed backwards, does it really matter?
April 14, 2011 12:26AM
It should work. I've seen a youtube video of someone's Mendel running like this. One advantage of the correct way is that the motors are near each other and so the stepper wires can be kept short on single board controllers.
Re: X-Axis installed backwards, does it really matter?
April 14, 2011 12:39AM
I'm running 3 of the v2.3 stepper drivers, so that shouldn't be an issue for me. I may switch it around just so I don't look like a dumbass when people see videos/pictures of my mendel. Would I need to wire the motor in reverse?
Re: X-Axis installed backwards, does it really matter?
April 14, 2011 04:03AM
That makes 2 of us here!

I did exactly the same a while back and started a thread .....


Long and short is that it works fine, no rewiring needed. Just stick your opto at the other end

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2011 04:03AM by mattuwattu.
Re: X-Axis installed backwards, does it really matter?
April 14, 2011 07:09AM
I wired my Mendel 'southpaw' if you will, so the motors were spread around the machine. Aesthetic preference really. It doesn't matter which side the motor sits, provided you ensure the printer carriage is attached to the X-axis belt as normal. If you get the carriage the wrong way around as well then you will have issues with the rest of the build and with prints in general. The X-axis will home to the near right, rather than the near left (X-axis opto in the wrong place). And models will print in mirror image.

These sorts of minor alterations are helpful in that the end up teaching you more about your printer and how it functions. Given we only really learn from mistakes it's a good idea to go out of your way to be different. Run with your southpaw and see what it teaches you!

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