Center changing after auto leveling
April 22, 2014 01:06PM
I added a servo with a z-probe for auto leveling on my Prusa i3 and now the center of my heated bed is shifted off center after doing a G29.

The G28 command using safe z homing centers the probe on the HPB but after doing a G29 the probe is 48mm off X (which is the offset) but the Y is off 40mm double the offset.

Previously I was using the auto touch ends on my Z-Axis but the bearings on Z hang slightly breaking the connection causing false homing.
Re: Center changing after auto leveling
April 22, 2014 01:15PM

I learn a lot from my mistakes.

So I had my 1st auto leveling point closer to the edge than my X offset. After changing the first point to 2mm MORE than my offset it works fine.
Re: Center changing after auto leveling
May 11, 2014 10:37AM
Thanks for this little pearl of wisdom!

I'm glad you had the problem before I did, it has potentially saved me a lot of time sorting the same issue.

grinning smiley
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