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Plating issue -i3 some parts spaghetti

Posted by iDude 
Plating issue -i3 some parts spaghetti
December 12, 2014 11:18AM
Hello all,

First thanks to all the people on this forum whose input helped me get started in the 3d printing world smiling smiley

My question is this:
I used Slic3r to plate parts for the i3 and loaded the STL file in Pronterface and started the print. What happened next is the printer did the border for the parts in the middle, the three bed bearing holders, the proceeded to look like it would only do those three. I figured then it was only going to print them and at 1/4 done I walked away for a few min.

What happened then was it built up the holders to 1/2 way then started laying down spaghetti for the other parts so I ended up with half done bearing holders and outlines of the other parts as z was too high at that point.

My stl is too large to upload and as soon. As I get back home in an hour or so I will edit a photo and post here and put stl file on Drive for download.

It prints single parts and multiple part single stl fine. But plating more than one part leads to this issue.

The players:
Pronterface, Slic3r (latest compiled 1.2.1), Ubuntu 14.04, Prusa i3

Thank you all in advance for any input.
open | download - IMG_20141212_100220.jpg (385.6 KB)
Re: Plating issue -i3 some parts spaghetti
December 12, 2014 03:26PM

And, here is a link to the STL on Drive:

Re: Plating issue -i3 some parts spaghetti
December 12, 2014 10:19PM
OK, I can see the issue now using MeshLab.., but how to fix.

The LM8UU bearing holders for the Y bed are cut right through the middle and need to move them up, or all other pieces down in Z...

I'll keep this thread updated with what I find out in case anyone else has this issue.

I can also confirm this happened in Slic3r versions from 1.2.1 experimental to 1.1.7 stable.

I imagine I need to edit the original STL, so looking into that.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2014 10:19PM by iDude.
open | download - lm8uu_holder_cyl_2.stl (385.7 KB)
open | download - Screenshot from 2014-12-12 22:02:28.png (30.2 KB)
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