Hello everyone,
I've had this issue for a little while now on my first layer prints. Basically when it starts the skirt/brim it would take about half a loop or so before the filament sticks to the heatbed and would actually glob up the side of the extruder nozzle for a bit until it does. Once it's down it would drag the glob across to other areas of the printbed which does no harm initially, but unless it's cleaned right that instant it would continually build into a huge mess down the line.
How would I fix this?
What is preventing my skirt/brim for sticking immediately without a mess?
Setup is:
Delta reprap printer
MadeSolid PET+: 250 degrees and 85 degrees on heat bed (first layer then 80)
E3D Volcano: .6mm nozzle
Layer Height: .35mm
Print Speed: 30mms
Bed has been leveled and offseted from axis homes using m666 commands.
This has been really frustrating because small messes on the first layer always build up to huge ones later and mess up an entire print. Please any light of help would be nice. Even when I was using a standard E3D extruder and a .4 nozzle I had the same problem.