Try adding this to your end gcode
G4 S120 ; wait 2 min
M140 S95 ; set bed temp to 95
G4 S120 ; wait 2 min
M140 S90 ; set bed temp to 90
G4 S120 ; wait 2 min
M140 S85 ; set bed temp to 85
extend as needed
Though slowly dropping the heated bed temp would only affect the layers closest to it that the heat is actually radiating up through. For anything higher than that, the top layers will still shrink disproportionately and could still warp the part. You'll want to enclose the printer if possible to keep heat from the heated bed in the air surrounding the part and possibly even go far enough to add additional heat.
You could also try putting a skirt 1 loop thick about 5 mm away from your print, as tall as the print to create a little chamber around it to keep the heat in.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2016 12:58PM by FA-MAS.