RAMPS 1.4 BOARD STOP ISSUE(mega 2560, ramps 1.4)
August 02, 2016 03:47AM
Hi there. I am right now trying to make new 3d printer by myself using mega 2560 & RAMPS 1.4 board for shield, and the program is 'CURA.'

I uploaded the Marlin Firmware from Arduino, and starting CURA to print 3d model.

As Cura printing program started, the heat bed temperature and the hot end temperature increase.

However, after hot end excess 170~180 degrees (Celsius) the ramps board D10 LED turned off.

I tuned the settings in marlin as well as the CURA settings.

Did everything that I can do. can u guys please help me?

p.s After the D10 LED turned off, I tried to turn it back on. and then the LED turned on for a moment (1~2 minutes) and off again


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2016 03:49AM by Jo.
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