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Nozzle diameter Vs speed rates?

Posted by p40whk 
Nozzle diameter Vs speed rates?
July 25, 2013 01:49PM
I have a job that's showing 2 days and 15 hours (not sure why it's such a big job, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:99528) but I was looking at my speed settings and comparing them to the tutorial here: Slic3r is Nicer and there is a huge difference.

My speed settings vs what the tutorial recommends (in parenthasis):

I do have the infill set to 150% in the advanced section under the Printer Settings tab
first_layer_speed = 30%
fill_density = 0.4
layer_height = 0.27 (I'm using a 35mm nozzle)
gap_fill_speed = 10
infill_speed = 30 (80)
perimeter_speed = 15 (65)
small_perimeter_speed = 15 (55)
solid_infill_speed = 30 (70)
support_material_speed = 30
top_solid_infill_speed = 25
travel_speed = 130 (195)

Most of the speed settings I come across are usually for a standard .50 nozzle and I've not seen anything that says the speed needs to be adjusted for a smaller .35 nozzle.

The speeds above are from the config file sent to me from my kit manufacturer (MakerFarm Prusa i3) so I've not played with them much but I've had nothing but troubles trying to get decent prints (most of which can be attributed to bed leveling and proper Z axis end stop setting).

My Slic3r gcodes are taking quite a while for bigger prints like this one but when I load it into Pronterface and it shows 2 days 15 hours to print I wonder why considering the author states it took him 12 hours?

I ran it through netfabb before hand as well so I don't think it's the file.

Can I bump up my Slic3r settings so shorten my print time and still get quality prints? if so, could someone recommend some settings to start with?
Re: Nozzle diameter Vs speed rates?
July 25, 2013 10:35PM
i find that pronterface will tend to be pessimistic on its printing times.

volume and time are not linear, i think it is something like every time volume doubles time quadruples, or something like that.

Re: Nozzle diameter Vs speed rates?
July 29, 2013 05:57AM
If you look at the description at thingivers it was printed with a feedrate of 120 mm/s and you are using between 15 and 30 so if we assume you have an average speed of 20 mm/s your print would take 6 times as long.
The max speed you can run depends on the printer, but you should probably be able to run alot faster than your current settings. You can try with the speeds from the tutorial to start with.
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