Less torque while homing than traveling (z-axis / probing)
February 14, 2016 06:08AM
I have searched high and low in the forum, modified feedrates, STEPPER_HIGH_DELAY, STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY, ALLOW_QUADSTEPPING, DOUBLE_STEP_DELAY one at a time but the result is always the same (tested with 0.92.8): Using Host, I can move all axis as expected, but when I start the homing (G29) or z-probing (G29), Z-axis emits a high-pitched noise and barely moves. I found that torque on my two z-steppers is almost 0 during G28/G29. But I can move Z-axis normally via pronterface, RepHost...

Any ideas what might cause this behaviour? I have a Megatronics V2 board and use 8825 steppers 1/32 (tried 4988 1/16 with same results). If I cannot figure it out I will have to stick with Marlin, been trying for days to figure it out myself. Help is MUCH appreciated. Thanks
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