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X and Y axis position

Posted by mancinism 
X and Y axis position
April 14, 2014 12:06AM
I am having problem to get the printer move to the exact position, for example when I sent

G1 X50 Y50

and this is what I can read from GET POS

X:49.994858 Y:49.994858 Z:0.000000 E:0.000000

Anyone have idea how to calibrate the position? Thanks
Re: X and Y axis position
April 14, 2014 01:37AM
Could it be a problem related with the axis compensation?

Your axis compensation command are included in the setbed g code and you have already play that when ruin G1 command?
Re: X and Y axis position
April 14, 2014 02:29AM
MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you do realise you are talking about 1/2 of a 1/100 of a mm...... 5/1000mm even.... I would have thought the belts would stretch much when the sunshines on them at least....

Please send me a PM if you have suggestions, or problems with Big Blue 360.
I won't see comments in threads, as I move around to much.
Working Link to Big Blue 360 Complete
Re: X and Y axis position
April 14, 2014 02:43AM
The X /Y resolution for the Ormerod is listed as 0.0125mm, and that's probably the distance travelled from the smallest step possible from the stepper motors. The "error" in this case (0.005142mm) is just under half the resolution, which makes sense. That is simply as close to 50.0000 as the stepper motors are capable of getting. Still though, if you zeroed it at X0 Y0 (or Y200 for that matter), one would think it should be able to get to any number that is a multiple of 0.0125mm (which 50.0000 is). Might just be floating-point rounding artifact or some such.

The "mechanical accuracy" is going to be more imprecise anyway (I think that's what listed as 0.1mm, due to some play in the belts and such) and it's a tiny tiny error. Don't worry about it.
Re: X and Y axis position
April 14, 2014 03:03AM
The xy resolution isn't exactly 0.0125mm, it's 0.01143mm because the number of steps per mm is 87.4890.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
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