Help - Printer connection problem
May 31, 2014 04:16PM
I am using the latest firmware: 059d, and webControl 0.8
My printer has worked very smoothly up to this evening!

I was using the web interface; doing an "Upload and Print" I then had to stop the upload in midstream.
Not sure how I managed to stop now it but it involved pressing Stop and Pause until everything seemed to stop.
After a little rebooting and re-homing tried to upload another file onto the SD card via the web interface - Progress bars showing but no progress!
After more rebooting; this time I could not Home.
Checked the SD card and somehow the homing files and a few g.code files appeared without dates or sizes.
Deleted them and reloaded them - all fine.
But now cannot properly control with the printer.
I can open the Web interface and get the Home screen. I click onto the Setting tab and can see reprap.htm and .js 0.8 but the Duet Firmware is blank. and I can Connect. I do a M115 and in the msg log I can see T:29 B:22 and the 59d firmware. But I cannot do any control. Doing a G1 X120 for example achieves nothing
BUT: I can turn the hot end and bed on
I just did an M20 and after a couple of minutes it returned in the msg log the g.code files on the SD card.
I also just did M98 PHOMEX.G witho no effect. (HomeX.g is no the SD card in the sys dir.

Arduino showing in devices and Printers on Com5; and I have just reloaded the Arduino drivers
I have reloaded the firmware
Checked the SD card has all the approp files on

Using the Serial monitor I can see in the very bottom it says Arduino Due (Native USB port) on Com5.
I go to the actual Serial Monitor where it has Newline and 115200baud correctly
I enter M105 and it just comes back "ok". In fact everything I enter just comes back "ok" (eg M115)

Sorry for the long missive but I have been trying lots!

Can anyone help?


I can upload files to the sys and gcodes directory on the SD card via the Web interface.
Have just noticed my stepper motors are not enabled, ie I can move the axis' freely. Have tried M17 but get Error: invalid M Code: M17
All my wiring looks OK.

2nd additional
Even weirder! I have just noticed, when I click the Homex button in the web interface; the Ready button in the top left goes from amber Ready to Green active. and looking at the X position it seems to be going thru my HomeX file. even seeming to hit the X endstop; doing the G92 and then moving the G1 position; Virtually!! Nothing physical moves.
G91; Relative positioning
G1 Z5 F200
G1 X-240 F2000 S1
G92 X-13
G1 Z-5 F200
G90; Absolute positioning
G1 X100 F2000

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2014 04:43PM by Fiddler.

Firmware: 059d, Web Interface: 0.8
75mm Diameter Extruder Drive
100mm test model
Filament spool holder and rotating dispenser
Re: Help - Printer connection problem
May 31, 2014 04:46PM
After a little rebooting and re-homing tried to upload another file onto the SD card via the web interface - Progress bars showing but no progress!

That can happen for some files if the headers that your browser sends get too long. See []. I am in the process of fixing that. The workaround is to change the value of maxUploadBuffer in reprap.js from 1500 to 900.


Checked the SD card and somehow the homing files and a few g.code files appeared without dates or sizes.

It is normal not to see dates, if those files were uploaded via the web interface or USB. The Duet does not have a real-time clock, so it can't write the file time stamp. One day I may have the browser send the date and time to the Duet so that it can write the time stamp.

One thing you could do is check the integrity of the SD card, which you can do in Windows or whatever other OS you use. If you interrupted a file upload, it may have got corrupted. One day I may add a Cancel button to the file upload dialog. In the meantime, if using 059c or later, the clean way to interrupt a file upload is to close the web browser tab, then open a new one without resetting the Duet. The connect message sent by the newly-opened tab will cause the Duet to terminate the file upload cleanly, by closing and deleting the new file.

It seems very strange to me that when you use the serial monitor, everything comes back as "ok". Make sure you send the commands using uppercase letters. Pronterface and the web interface forces characters to uppercase, but the serial monitor does not.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2014 04:47PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Help - Printer connection problem
May 31, 2014 05:58PM

The SD card seems OK. I can read it and open all the files on it on my PC (Windows7)

Having thought it thru I think my main problem is I have lost control of the stepper motors.
I can control the hotend and bed, I can upload files, it seems I can even click the homex button and run the file.
Nothing physically happens when the file is running, although the file is completing its commands and changing the G92 and applying the G1 according to the X Y Z position indicators in the top right. and when I do a G1 100 manually in the Send Gcode box; again nothing physically happens but the X position changes to 100.

I have rebooted everything and reloaded everything

You were right about the Serial monitor - using capitals got the correct responses.


Firmware: 059d, Web Interface: 0.8
75mm Diameter Extruder Drive
100mm test model
Filament spool holder and rotating dispenser
Re: Help - Printer connection problem
May 31, 2014 06:50PM
Tim, check that you have the correct M906 command in config.g to set the stepper motor currents. For example, M906 X800 Y800 Z800 E800. You could even try sending it manually.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2014 06:51PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Help - Printer connection problem
June 01, 2014 04:57AM
Thanks for that DC

Good call.

I checked my Config again and the M906 (i had M906 X1000 Y1000 Z1000 E1000) was missing!!

Either I had done something and screwed up the config in some strange way with my pausing and stopping or those IT gremlins had been at it again.
I had not been near my config in a week or so but I kow it must have been something I did
Hey ho.

Thanks again - all back and printing again
Next time I shall just calmly close the tab/browser and start again.


Firmware: 059d, Web Interface: 0.8
75mm Diameter Extruder Drive
100mm test model
Filament spool holder and rotating dispenser
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