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Confused with the temperature of active and standby

Posted by sevenljy 
Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 05, 2015 10:19PM
I use two heaters, E1 and E0.Active T is 200 and standby T is 160.However,the temperature can not get up enough when the heater has changed.Then the heater get stuck.
I must make some mistakes in the configration.how to fix it?
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 05:31AM
HEY,anyone who can answer my question?DC42,ZPL.Are you there?
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 05:54AM
However,the temperature can not get up enough when the heater has changed.Then the heater get stuck.

Can you explain exactly what happens - in particular, what do you mean by "heater get stuck"?

Also, please post the contents of all your tfree, tpre and tpost files.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 06:32AM
OK,I mean the PLA can not pull out at the rising temperature of 160 up to 200.It still ran when the temperature is getting up.I delete the tfree,tpre and tpost files....
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 06:44AM
Are you referring to retraction moves? You must activate a tool before you can drive the assigned E motors. Can you post your config file?
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 07:03AM
M111 S0 ; Debug off
M550 PMy Ormerod ; Machine name (can be anything you like)
M551 Preprap ; Machine password (currently not used)
M540 P0xBE:0xEF:0xDE:0xAD:0xFE:0xED ; MAC Address
;*** Adjust the IP address and gateway in the following 2 lines to suit your network
M552 P192.168.1.125 ; IP address
M554 P192.168.1.1 ; Gateway
M553 P255.255.255.0 ; Netmask
M555 P2 ; Set output to look like Marlin
G21 ; Work in millimetres
G90 ; Send absolute coordinates...
M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves
M574 X0 Y2 Z0 S1 ; set endstop configuration (Y endstop only, at high end, active high)
M906 X800 Y1000 Z800 E800 ; Set motor currents (mA)
M563 P0 D0 H1 ; Define tool 0
G10 P0 S0 R0 ; Set tool 1 operating and standby temperatures
;M92 E420 ; Set extruder steps per mm (single nozzle)
;*** If you have a dual-nozzle build, remove or comment out the previous line, and un-comment the following 3 lines
M563 P1 D1 H2 ; Define tool 1
G10 P1 S0 R0 ; Set tool 1 operating and standby temperatures
M92 E420:420 ; Set extruder steps/mm (dual nozzle)
;*** If you have a modulated IR probe without on-board microcontroller, change P1 to P2 in the following
M558 P2 ; Use an unmodulated Z probe or an intelligent Z probe
G31 Z1.0 P353 ; Set the probe height and threshold (put your own values here)
;*** If you have a Duet board with 4.7K thermistor series resistors, change R1000 to R4700 to the following M305 commands
M305 P0 R1000 H0 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the bed thermistor ADC correction
M305 P1 R1000 H0 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the first nozzle thermistor ADC correction
M305 P2 R1000 H0 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the second nozzle thermistor ADC correction
;*** Adjust the XY coordinates in the following M557 commands to suit your build and the position of the IR sensor
M557 P0 X60 Y0 ; Four...
M557 P1 X60 Y165 ; ...probe points...
M557 P2 X222 Y165 ; ...for bed...
M557 P3 X222 Y0 ; ...levelling
;M557 P4 X141 Y82.5 ; 5th probe point for levelling (un-comment this if you are using a dc42 differential IR probe)
;*** if you are using axis compensation, put the figures in the following command
M556 S78 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Axis compensation here
M201 X800 Y800 Z15 E1000 ; Accelerations (mm/s^2)
M203 X15000 Y15000 Z100 E3600 ; Maximum speeds (mm/min)
M566 X600 Y600 Z30 E20 ; Minimum speeds mm/minute
M208 X214 Y210 ; set axis maxima (adjust to suit your machine)
M208 X-8 Y0 S1 ; set axis minimum (adjust to make X=0 the edge of the bed)
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 07:10AM
Your tool configuration looks good to me, although I'm a bit surprised you don't set up a tool offset in your configuration.

What exactly happens when you send T0, heat up the first tool heater to at least 100C and perform a retraction move?

We need to know exactly what doesn't work: Are you unable to feed filament, extrude it or are you wondering why you can't pull it out of the extruder block by hand?
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 07:22AM
Everything works well.however,
The temperature starts getting up(160 to 200) when tool changes.The extrude still feeds the filament during the temperature is getting up.it can not feeds the filament because the temperture is uping to 200 but not get to 200.Is this a problem of tfree,tpre and tpost files.I delete it all.
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 07:39AM
You need at least some of the tpre, tpost and tfree files, to make the printer wait while the new active nozzle is heating up. I suggest these:

; tpre0.g
; Put G/M Codes in here to run when Tool 0 is freed
G1 X1 Y205 F6000

; tpost0.g
; Put G/M Codes in here to run after Tool 0 is selected
M116 P0

; tpre1.g
; Put G/M Codes in here to run when Tool 1 is freed
G1 X1 Y205 F6000

; tpost1.g
; Put G/M Codes in here to run after Tool 1 is selected
M116 P1

The commands in the tpre files just move the head out of the way. The commands in the tpost files wait for the new active hot end to reach temperature.

You can leave the tfree files empty.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2015 07:41AM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Confused with the temperature of active and standby
May 07, 2015 08:55AM
Yes, that's the reason - you need the tpost macro files as described by dc42. My own tpre/tfree macros are empty, but moving the head away when a tool change occurs probably won't hurt (and may be a good idea when printing PLA).
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