firmware request Drive remapping
August 07, 2015 03:49AM
Really want to get into firware writing myself, but have found it hard to find the time and been having trouble with the eclipse setup, so Ill put this out there for the other firmware gurus

This is a follow-on from my earlier issue with my Y axis and me considering the possibility that I had blown a drive

In such cases it would be really handy if there was an option to remap drives, consider that my Tricolor Mendel has 6 drives in total and only really needs 4 for basic functionality.

So in the scenario that a XY or Z drive is blown it could be conceivable to remap the blown drive axis to one of the extruder drives and continue in operation.
Re: firmware request Drive remapping
August 07, 2015 04:08AM
Christian (aka zombiepantslol) and I have already discussed this and we plan to implement it, possibly by way of extra parameters in the M569 command. It's particularly relevant to T3P3's new Duet 0.8.5 board.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: firmware request Drive remapping
August 07, 2015 04:23AM
Yeah, and also by extension the other duet shield that has 5 drivers..... would that still have the 5 drivers with the new 0.8.5 board, potentially making 10 drives in total.?
Re: firmware request Drive remapping
August 07, 2015 05:17AM
Yeah, and also by extension the other duet shield that has 5 drivers..... would that still have the 5 drivers with the new 0.8.5 board, potentially making 10 drives in total.?

If you mean the DueX4 board, that has 4 extra drivers, making 9 drives in total when used with a 0.85 Duet. All 9 are supported in T3P3's fork of RepRapFirmware, which is based on my 1.09c release. The only limitation I am aware of is that you can't use all 7 heater channels and both PWM fans at the same time, because the mcu only has 8 PWM channels.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
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