
in this first post i want to tell my story, so you can get me knowing a bit, in the second i want to show my effort and how far i came. so if you dont have much time but want to help, just skip the part to the very end to "what i am working on right now". and please forgive me my not even average english tongue sticking out smiley

it has been a while since i found out about this glorious movement. i am pretty sure, historicans will write about the time we are living in as the complication of the information-age and its quite revolution with the ability to print stuff. inventions will spread out of facilitys. i wanted to be part of it.
so i youtubed and googled a lot to find THE printer. it should be a bot with the ability to replicate itself. printrbot was the first i was thinking about, but than in october12 i discovered a similar construction what seems to me as an invention of it, from a firm called Japica. everything has looked good and the email conversations were gentle and smart. even i have found some bad reviews on ebay i was pretty sure this is my bot!

and now it is.

after a long long while, friends of mine were calling me a fool to sent the money from Germany to USA, finaly my bot has arrived in february. not in the best conditions, but DHL would had to be blamed for that. even through the time my trust was on the line, it was renewed as i got bot in my hands. that was luck! well, i already pointed out my story on Thingiverse, where i have uploaded the files from that bot again, after Benjamin McDaniel has choosen to back off and kill that bot of the internet. luckily he had uploaded the files under GPL so i feel not ashamed to have done so. until now i am covered with troubles but never the less i think it is a good, well concepted design.

you will ask why i think this movement is a place for me to feel well, if i do litteraly know about electricity nor have anyone around who already is fiddeling with the arduino or similar hardware. my only competence is a bit programming and i am comfortable with linux. no robot ever build and not a clue about the 3D-printing at all. call me fool, but i really think this is the future i want to be part of. i think i am smart enough to learn this stuff by doing.

".. when i got that printer, i will replicate it and meanwhile learn everything nessessary on the fly.."

unfortunately the printer i received hadnt have any firmware uploaded nor was the firmware available anywhere on the net. so figured out who already owns a 3D-printer in my town and the youngsters of that club had successfull uploaded some firmware they are using for their printer. and it has worked. until today morning, where i got that glorious idea feeling prepared enough to upload my own calculated firmware to bot. now nothing works anymore.

well, besides i want to bring up a good documentation of the printer i will need help from you guys. and now i am confident that this is the place to bring the documentation together. look closely: that bot actually IS a good concept. even Benjamin McDaniel has dropped it and his firm and every customer he had. bummer. should i call it after work is done resuractionbot? perhaps re-sure-action-bot? i hope i am at the right place to bring this sad story to a happy end.

################################### Status Quo #############################################

this is the status quo:

i figured out everything my own, this is my first forum i am asking for help, the youngsters of that club who had uploaded their firmware to test the axis are out of reach now. and they didnt explained anything to me, so i discovered

slic3r, skeinforge, arduino mega2560, pronterface, configuration.h on my journey through the jungle.

with zero knowdlege from before i am a bit proud how far i came: the programs are up and running on my desktop machine and the bot had to be modified on the y-axis (it was wobbeling- now it is straight), the second JHead was not equal, parts were broken and had to be replaced (shown in the video on Thingiverse), the x-axis was movin in the wrong direction (it has taken SO much time to figure out, that i can switch the cables 180° without damaging the board..), a connector needed to be brazed between the heatbed and the arduino (first time brazing- amazing fun! and it has worked really good), the x-axis-rods were not equal. but the prints, even the z-axis wasnt moving as much as it should have to the prints went from wobbly to real good. well, the first layer at least.

i have used mainly following websites for learning about the firmware:

[reprap.org] - on the chip is written 16AU, on the board mega2560 - the shield looks like polulu
[airtripper.com] - configuration.h
[blog.lincomatic.com] - configuration.h
[calculator.josefprusa.cz] - configuration.h

in this pad you can find (and edit) the configuration.h i have installed today. if you change something please mark it like this: "edit_xx: xx => xx (backup: xx)" the first two x should be some kind of initials. so changes can be found easily. i have used "?" for marking what i did not understand.

if you want to help, please visit the pad at least to have an overview, and it could help, if you have a look for the video on Thingiverse to get an impression of the bot.

thanks for your attention
i am thankful for any help

###################### THIS IS WHAT I AM WORKING ON RIGHT NOW: ##############################

- (fixed) got error-message while upload: "avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer" - fixed with arduino 1.0.1

- now the board has a green light, but pronterface wouldnt connect. i have changed permissions and ownership that pronderface could save its settings. in configuration.h i had set baudrate to 250000 thats why i had to change the settings.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2013 03:24PM by lux_Linutz.
open | download - MOV02941.THM (4.9 KB)
Re: got Japicad! reconstruction of the missing documentation - help needed
May 29, 2013 06:17AM
this is the status quo:

i figured out everything my own, this is my first forum i am asking for help, the youngsters of that club who had uploaded their firmware to test the axis are out of reach now. and they didnt explained anything to me, so i discovered

slic3r, skeinforge, arduino mega2560, pronterface, configuration.h on my journey through the jungle.

with zero knowdlege from before i am a bit proud how far i came: the programs are up and running on my desktop machine and the bot had to be modified on the y-axis (it was wobbeling- now it is straight), the second JHead was not equal, parts were broken and had to be replaced (shown in the video on Thingiverse), the x-axis was movin in the wrong direction (it has taken SO much time to figure out, that i can switch the cables 180° without damaging the board..), a connector needed to be brazed between the heatbed and the arduino (first time brazing- amazing fun! and it has worked really good), the x-axis-rods were not equal. but the prints, even the z-axis wasnt moving as much as it should have to the prints went from wobbly to real good. well, the first layer at least.

i have used mainly following websites for learning about the firmware:

[reprap.org] - on the chip is written 16AU, on the board mega2560 - the shield looks like polulu
[airtripper.com] - configuration.h
[blog.lincomatic.com] - configuration.h
[calculator.josefprusa.cz] - configuration.h

in this pad you can find (and edit) the configuration.h i have installed today. if you change something please mark it like this: "edit_xx: xx => xx (backup: xx)" the first two x should be some kind of initials. so changes can be found easily. i have used "?" for marking what i did not understand.

if you want to help, please visit the pad at least to have an overview, and it could help, if you have a look for the video on Thingiverse to get an impression of the bot.

thanks for your attention
i am thankful for any help
this is my edited firmware running the maschine: [trash.ctdo.de]

i im proud so far, it was not easy to fish all important informations out of the net, but i have documentated them in the configuration.h

i wish, someone could help me on the following, because it is really a level too high for me. i want to have this fantastic automatisation installed, but i am not sure, which parts of the firmware is to alter to implement the automatisation into the v1 of Marlin. [www.matterhackers.com]

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2013 07:54AM by Enter_the_Drawgon.
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