Extruder/Hot End problems
December 31, 2013 02:32AM
I've got everything on my Techzone Huxley in working order. Everything is calibrated, but I then discovered yet another source of pain; the extruder apparently has a problem where the brass tip will occasionally slip out of its PTFE cylinder and ruin Z-axis calibration, digging into the print.

It is described on the reprap wiki here.

Any alternative ideas on solving this problem? I'd hate to buy a new hotend seeing that I'm only building this kit for a friend, and I've never cut brass before, so the suggested mod makes me a little anxious.

Re: Extruder/Hot End problems
January 01, 2014 02:41PM
A new hot end is a $35 to $65 sort of investment. Get a known good one from the people who invented it. Move on ....
Re: Extruder/Hot End problems
January 01, 2014 07:52PM
When I used to use that type of hotend (ptfe round bar with brass insert), I tightly fitted an aluminium collar around it to stop that happening - some people use jubilee clips also. It stops the ptfe from swelling in that area. It's not the greatest design though, i have to say which is why I changed to a different configuration. It did last quite a while though!

Waitaki 3D Printer
Re: Extruder/Hot End problems
January 02, 2014 12:39PM
When I used to use that type of hotend (ptfe round bar with brass insert), I tightly fitted an aluminium collar around it to stop that happening - some people use jubilee clips also. It stops the ptfe from swelling in that area. It's not the greatest design though, i have to say which is why I changed to a different configuration. It did last quite a while though!

Sounds like something - I'll try the jubilee clip idea, at least to print the 20 something parts for a better printer.
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