Slic3r Help!
January 28, 2014 11:19PM
Hello everyone!

I need some help with my g-code generator Slic3r.
As you can see from the picture attached, I've loaded a 5 mm X 5 mm X 5 mm cube to Slic3r.
But for some reason, it seem to consider the cube to be flat!
I needed to increase the scaling to 1000% (which I shouldn't need to)
But still it only says the size of the print is 0 X 0 X 5 mm.
And yet the volume is 125 mm cubed.
What is going on???

Thanks for the help!

open | download - Capture.JPG (59.9 KB)
Re: Slic3r Help!
January 29, 2014 12:16AM
What software did you use to create the cube?

In the 3D software the faces have what are known as "normals". That's the inside and outside of the faces. Make sure all vertices are connected and all normals are facing outside. If you don't know anything about 3D modeling, then use Netfabb cloud services. []
Re: Slic3r Help!
January 31, 2014 08:18PM
I use Autodesk Inventor, and all I have done was to simply draw a 5mm by 5mm square and then extrude it by 5 mm.
I have no idea how to change the normals (frankly, I didn't even know they existed) but all the vertices and faces should be connected.
Thanks for the help!
Re: Slic3r Help!
January 31, 2014 08:51PM
If you click on the "view" tab in the upper right corner, does it look like a cube? Or a square sheet of paper? It may not have exported properly. I haven't used Inventor, so I can't say if that's a problem.
Re: Slic3r Help!
January 31, 2014 09:18PM
It looks like neither. More like some kind of hyper-dimensional object.
I'll attach some screenshots to this post...
Even if i try to spin it around, it refuses to make any sense. It does look somewhat like a cube though.
open | download - Capture1.JPG (22.6 KB)
open | download - Capture.JPG (22.9 KB)
Re: Slic3r Help!
January 31, 2014 09:46PM
Is that still at 1000% scale? If it is, try 100% scale. If not, try another 3d program, I use Blender.
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 01, 2014 06:36AM
I don't think the 3D program really is an issue here. I've exported another file and it seem to view and process fine.
Blender is actually somewhat ill-equipped for serious 3D modelling, although it compensates for its amazing animation support and creations.
No chance of improving though. I have the faintest clue of what the problem is.
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 01, 2014 04:01PM
I have been having the same issue with Slic3r regardless of the program I use to produce the STL (solidworks and blender). To work around it, I use Repetier to plate the object and then generate the g code (Repetier actually uses Slic3r to produce the g code).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2014 04:02PM by chewbaccah.
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 01, 2014 10:21PM
Thanks for the help! But what do you mean by plating an object?
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 02, 2014 01:11AM
It's a term referring mostly to creating a "plate" of RepRap parts. Or just positioning one or many objects in which ever orientation, scale, quantity, etc..

Can you upload the .stl file so we can take a look at it?
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 02, 2014 04:09AM
The .stl is attached. Using Repetier seemed to have solved the majority of the problem though.
Still, I would like to know why it stuffed up when using Slic3r.
open | download - CalibrationCube5mm_fixed.stl (684 bytes)
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 02, 2014 02:46PM
That cube is not 5mm it's 0.5mm.

I think it's just too small for even Slic3rs scale feature. Other than that it does not seem to have any issues, it's manifold and all tri's so that's good. Just scale it up 1000% and then load into slic3r.
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 03, 2014 01:41AM
Alright. Thanks! Still, the fact that Slic3r got an error even with 1000% scale is a little odd.
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 03, 2014 02:34AM
Yea, it's odd but you get what you pay for ;-)
Re: Slic3r Help!
February 03, 2014 06:23AM
Ha ha! smiling smiley
Thanks everyone for the help!
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