Dual-stepper Extruder
February 07, 2014 10:26PM
I have a spare NEMA 17 and stepper, as well as an unused stepper slot on my RAMPS. I don't want to pay for a second hot end, though. So, I figured, why not use both steppers for a double-torque extruder?

I will use a Bowden extruder, and at the moment I have an Airtripper's extruder (and all the hardware it requires). I only found one model of a dual-stepper extruder on Thingiverse, and it was extremely antiquated. Are there any newer models?

And what about single-hotend dual extrusion? Dita.falaschi.com seems to have it working.
Re: Dual-stepper Extruder
February 08, 2014 06:00AM
Are you struggling to get the required torque with 1 motor? If so I think you would be better off getting a new motor and just using one. 2 motors is a lot of weight if you dont need it. You could use the extra driver to run a z axis motor. So each motor has its own driver.
Re: Dual-stepper Extruder
February 08, 2014 06:22AM
He's using a bowden so the weight will not mean too much...

I wouldn't do it personally, I think the torque of one NEMA motor of that size is good... doubling it means if there IS need for that extra pressure, it is also exerted onto the x-carriage and your machine frame... I can't imagine why you would need so much torque? Must be very high speeds? even then my hobbed bolt usually grinds the filament rather than over-torque my NEMA 14!

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